I discovered Lilypond and I'm testing it on hacklily.org. Yet, even if the documentation avout writing pitches mentions that if you want to have one octave up you should use '
and one octave down you should use ,
the later doesn't seem to be supported by hacklily, or that my documentation isn't up to date. Indeed, with the following code:
\header {
title = "Down in a hole"
composer = "Alice in chains"
baseMelody = \relative {
\time 4/4
<g b'>8 c'8 a8 d8, g8
melody = {
\tempo 4 = 95
drum = \drums {
\clef treble
hh8 hh16 hh16 hh8 hh8 hh16 hh16 hh8 hh8 hh16 hh16 hh8
hh16 hh16 hh8 hh8 hh16 hh16 hh8 hh8 hh32 hh32 hh32 hh32
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \melody
\new Drums \drum
\layout { }
\midi {}
I get:
Processing `hacklily-wrapper.ly'
/tmp/hacklily.ly:10:20: error: syntax error, unexpected ','
<g b'>8 c'8 a8 d8
, g8
/tmp/hacklily.ly:25:3: error: errors found, ignoring music expression
\new Staff <<
PS: does anyone knows why it's not possible to save its work? I obtain:
> TypeError: e.sent.map is not a function