I would like to annotate a RhythmicStaff with Beat Numbers - as in the following picture: RhythmicStaff with Beat numbers below the staff

Perhaps, one could use the '_' character after a note to add numbers connected to a note at the beginning of the beat, but how about empty beats - where there is no note or rest, but the beat still needs to be shown - like the last measures in the example image.

What would be the correct way to do this? Ideally, so that - every measure, every bar in the score is automatically annotated with the beat numbers at the correct places?

2 Answers 2


Some way to get this automatically:

#(define (Beat_counter_engraver context)
   (let ((measpos #f) (grouping #f) (basemom #f) (beatmom #f))
     (define (mom->dur mom)
       (let ((pair (moment->fraction mom)))
         (/ (car pair) (cdr pair))))
     (define (is-beat-moment? count gping beatcount)
       (if (= (* count (mom->dur basemom)) (mom->dur measpos))
           (+ 1 beatcount)
           (if (> (* count (mom->dur basemom)) (mom->dur measpos))
               (if (null? gping)
                   (is-beat-moment? (+ count (car gping)) (cdr gping) (+ 1 beatcount))))))
       ((process-music engraver)
          (set! measpos (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition 'noof))
          (set! grouping (ly:context-property context 'beatStructure 'noof))
          (set! basemom (ly:context-property context 'baseMoment 'noof))
          (set! beatmom (is-beat-moment? 0 grouping 0))
          (if beatmom
            (let ((grob (ly:engraver-make-grob engraver 'TextScript '())))
                  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text (number->string beatmom))
                  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'direction DOWN)
                  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'padding 3)))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Beat_counter_engraver

\new RhythmicStaff
  \set RhythmicStaff.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 16) % manually make sure base moment is 1/16
  \set RhythmicStaff.beatStructure = 3,3,3,3 % manually make sure that beats always have 3 16th
  \time 6/16
  16 16 16 16 16 16|
  r16 16 16 8.
  \time 3/16
  16[ \once\set stemRightBeamCount = 1
      \once\set stemLeftBeamCount = 1
       r16 16]
  \time 6/16
  16 16 r r8. \bar "|."

%% with different moments:

\new RhythmicStaff {
  \time 2/4
  8 16 16 8 16 16
  \time 3/8
  16 16 16 16 16 16
  \time 6/8
  8 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 16
  \time 9/7 \tuplet 7/8 { 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 }

which results in enter image description here

One issue here is that this only works when these is some event on the beat, so if you have something like \time 4/4 8 4 8 this will not output anything on the second beat, since there is nothing there. So you might want to do something like

<< \music \repeat unfold #(floor (/ (/ (car (moment->fraction (ly:music-length music))) (cdr (moment->fraction (ly:music-length music)))) 1/16)) s16 >>

EDIT: To achieve something like your example you can also do something like this:

#(define (Beat_counter_engraver context)
   (let ((measpos #f) (grouping #f) (basemom #f) (beatmom #f))
     (define (mom->dur mom)
       (let ((pair (moment->fraction mom)))
         (/ (car pair) (cdr pair))))
     (define (is-beat-moment? count gping beatcount)
       (if (= (* count (mom->dur basemom)) (mom->dur measpos))
           (+ 1 beatcount)
           (if (> (* count (mom->dur basemom)) (mom->dur measpos))
               (if (null? gping)
                   (is-beat-moment? (+ count (car gping)) (cdr gping) (+ 1 beatcount))))))
       ((process-music engraver)
          (set! measpos (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition 'noof))
          (set! grouping (ly:context-property context 'beatStructure 'noof))
          (set! basemom (ly:context-property context 'baseMoment 'noof))
          (set! beatmom (is-beat-moment? 0 grouping 0))
          (if beatmom
            (let ((grob (ly:engraver-make-grob engraver 'TextScript '())))
                  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text (number->string beatmom))
                  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'direction DOWN)))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Beat_counter_engraver
    \override TextScript.font-shape = ##f
    \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-0.8
    \consists Instrument_name_engraver

sixteenth-grid-during =
#(define-music-function (m) (ly:music?)
     \repeat unfold #(floor (/ (/ (car (moment->fraction (ly:music-length m))) (cdr (moment->fraction (ly:music-length m)))) 1/16)) s16

\paper {
  ragged-last = ##f

musI = {
  \mark "In 3"
  \time 3/8
  8 8 16 r |
  8 16 16 8 |
  16[ 16 8 r16 16] |
  4. \bar "|."


musII = {
  \mark "In 4"
  \time 4/8
  \set Score.beatStructure = 1,1,1,1
  8 16 16~ 8 r8 |
  r16 16[ r16 16] r16 8.~ |
  4 ~ 16 8 16 |
  16 r16 4 r8 \bar "|."


which gives you enter image description here

  • What does "Lazy" stand for?
    – user83172
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 0:25
  • @user83172 en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lazy
    – Lazy
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 0:29
  • Lot to learn in this post - I see that lilypond uses a form of Scheme.
    – saraf
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 5:09
  • Thank you for the detailed answer - Lot to learn in this post - I see that lilypond uses a form of Scheme. It'd be very helpful if you please add a paragraph commenting and summarizing what the code snippets are doing - for those unfamiliar with lisp-like languages. Also, where should the Beat_Counter_Engraver definition be placed so that it can be used in all my .ly files - this is about extending the standard lilypond scheme libraries, so could be a separate question ...
    – saraf
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 5:16
  • To be exact, lilypond uses the GNU implementation of scheme which is called guile. If you want to use this in all your files you can put such stuff into a separate Lilypond file and use \include "path/to/your/file" in any of your files that might need this. By using the command line argument -I you can add folders to lilyponds standard include paths, and frescobaldi has a preference for that. So you can alias lilypond to lilypond -I some/path (or if you use Frescobaldi use the setting), put all your includes into that path, and then you can simply do \include "file" from anywhere.
    – Lazy
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 11:51


  \new RhythmicStaff
    \repeat volta 2 {
      \tempo "in 3"
      \time 3/8
      8 8 16 r |
      8 16 16 8 |
      16[ 16 8 r16 16] |
    \repeat volta 2 {
      \tempo "in 4"
      \time 4/8
      8 16 16~8 r |
      r16 16[ r16 16] r16 8.~ |
      4~16 8 16 |
      16 r16 4 r8 |
  \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
    \repeat unfold 3 { "1"8 "2" "3" | }
    \repeat unfold 4 { "1" "2" "3" "4" | }


The basic trick here is to use Lyrics without \addlyrics or \lyricsto, allowing you to explicitly specify the duration: "1"8 is a syllable of "1" with a duration of 8 and that duration is then used as default for everything else.


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