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how can I study orchestration methods for electric guitar?

In this post, I was given some tips on arranging electric guitars. However, I would like to do further reading on the subject (spreads, range, register, coupling, doubling, unisons, etc), and I can't ...
286642's user avatar
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Voicing in the Finale of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 "Pathétique"

In the opening bars of the last movement of Tchaikovsky's 6th, the strings have some four-part writing with a melody "F# E D C# B C#." However, the score reveals that the first and second ...
angryavian's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Which instruments to physically familiarize with to become a better orchestrator?

Physically familiarizing with which two orchestral instruments would be a good compromise between having to buy all the instruments and gaining leverage in orchestral writing? My own opinion is ...
MahlerAdmirer's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Do first violins take precedence over second violins for the main melody or the higher pitched part?

I know that in general within an orchestra, if the violins hold the melody it's usually the first violins which play the main melody and the second violins act as a support to them, but if the main ...
James's user avatar
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Two Stringed Instruments in Unison?

I have been receiving conflicting information from orchestration bigwigs. Some say that composers should never orchestrate two stringed instruments together because they will be ever so slightly out ...
Shoon's user avatar
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Viola and Cello diamond notehead notation interpretation

I'm attempting to transcribe (for playback) Dukas' L'Apprenti Sorcier into Musescore. I don't understand what the following notation means, how it should be played, or possibly be approximated, ...
Nevin Williams's user avatar
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What is the techniques used at the beginning of "Victory" by Two Steps From Hell?

Apart from the drums and piano at the beginning of this piece, there is some kind of string arrangement happening. I'm not sure what technique is being used, it is also used in several of their other ...
J.Ryan's user avatar
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Difference between Martele & accent

I’m studying string articulations and I’m having trouble finding the difference between these off the bow articulations. Why should a composer choose to use martele in a situtuation instead of ...
eraserhead's user avatar
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7 answers

How to distinguish between different instruments in a classical orchestra?

I want to train myself into distinguishing the instruments being played simultaneously in orchestral music (primarily Wagner and Bruckner, maybe Mahler). Ideally I want to be able to say at each point ...
NickQuant's user avatar
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3 answers

In strings bowed instruments, is it possible to play a chord in two not adjacent strings?

Or would it be only possible if arpeggiated? For example in cello, to play G string in a chord with Bb in A string (being D string on the middle)
Myrcella's user avatar
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Orchestra notation and harmony

For instance I have 3 groups of violins and 3 instruments in each group. I want a clean C major chord from those 3 groups. What's my best choice? To have 1 group play a C, another one an E and the ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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The term for voice effect in orchestral music

What do we call those voices (it feels like lot of people singing together) in an orchestral music or epic music which make it more epic?
Somvir's user avatar
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