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jeppoo1's user avatar
jeppoo1's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Is it hard for a baritone to sing F4?

4 votes

Why do I have such a small vocal range?

2 votes

Tips for singing while dehydrated?

2 votes

Is it even possible to really sing into the mask without being nasal?

2 votes

Can anyone learn to sing higher?

2 votes

Temporary vocal bass range extension

1 vote

What is the physiological background of the practice of opening the voice in theatre?

1 vote

Why I cannot sing always well?

1 vote

What is Shoshana Damari's voice called?

1 vote

Why I have "pops" in my vocal

1 vote

Male vocal type statistics

1 vote

What food / drink affects vocal characteristics?

1 vote

Passaggi, fach and volume

1 vote

chorus construction in pop and rock

1 vote

Do Musicians Who are Trained on Other Instruments Automatically Acquire Singing Ability?

0 votes

Is it really that difficult to play the piano when you sing?

0 votes

How do people learn to sing if they only repeat notes someone plays on the piano?

0 votes

passagio relative to tessitura

0 votes

How can I understand how to sing "out" and not "in"?

0 votes

Can we really detect the difference between a couple of BPMs?

0 votes

Why play a B chord on piano with this fingering?

0 votes

How to do tempo change in a song with a band

0 votes

How to control unintentional, natural vibrato in singing?

0 votes

Does weight and/or body frame have anything to do with singing?