I am by no means a music theory buff, nor do I have musical talent, so being unable to assure myself if I did this correctly, I needed someone to correct my mistakesrecently tried using quartal harmony and mirror harmony (also known as "negative harmony") together.
I was looking for a piece ofsome music theory that would inspire me to do something more unusual than I usually do. Thank God, I don't play music in anyone's presence (Usually) so if this idea reeks with inability and such... no loss. The pieces of theory, actually, pieces, are Quartal harmony, and Mirror harmony used together.
I took the CC
major scale, harmonized iteach scale degree diatonically in 4ths, and then mirrored it. If I may, harmonized the chords, and this is what I get. The end result sounds very jazzy, if (though I may say that, havinghave no idea what jazz is).
AttachedHere is a screen capture of a text document, which contains the scale, harmonized, and then mirrored. I used a chord namer, because I haven't got the talent to nameacquired the chords myself. If they are wrong, that may be whychord names using software.
(P.S Two notes about notation: The Chordin the chord names might look odd., the "s" stands for suspended, and the "M" stands for major, as in DbMaj7b5sus.)
.S:The The "p" and "a" between notes in the harmonizations stand for Perfect Fourth,perfect fourth and Augmented Fourthaugmented fourth, respectively.)
Is my resultant Chord Progressionchord progression correct for? Is this the correct way to harmonize a Quartal Harmony CC
major scale to which "Mirror" or "Negative" Harmony has been appliedwith quartal voicings and then apply the mirror harmony? The
I suspect there is an error because the final progression ends up havinghas two pairs of chords with the same root notes, Db, and Gb, D♭
and that seemedG♭
. That seems strange to me. I thought I would ask ifCould anyone might point out if I made somea mistake.Thanks for any help you can provide? I am by no means a music theory buff, nor do I have musical talent.