I'm changing from F Minor to Major in a Sib 7 score. The machine just gives one flat for the new section, and I want three naturals and one sharp. How do I get it to do it? Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


F Minor has four flats in its key signature. F Major has one flat. You say want three naturals and one sharp. Do you mean three naturals and one flat? (Hope so!)

By default Sibelius has Cautionary Naturals turned off: enter image description here

And the stave looks like this: enter image description here

With Cautionary Naturals turned on, the stave looks like this: enter image description here


Turn on 'Cautionary naturals' in Engraving Rules/Clefs and key signatures.

But maybe the information that, despite what we learned for our Grade 5 theory exams all those years ago, it is now acceptable to omit them will be sufficient?

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