Here is a pic from my textbook, Adwell/Schachter's Tonal Harmony. It tells me what the soprano should be in the figured bass but there is a 2 next to both notes. What does that mean?
Any chance those are footnotes explained at the bottom of the page? Looks strange to me. Let's see if anyone's got an answer for it.– user45266Commented Sep 10, 2021 at 7:00
whole page added, although I cant see anything that relates to that.... hmmm does it maybe apply to how many octaves above the bass the soprano should be written?– user35708Commented Sep 10, 2021 at 7:48
1 Answer
These numbers indicate what we call octave designation, which these authors discuss in their chapter on key/scale/modes (depending on what edition of the book you have, these chapters may be separated).
With that said, the system they're using treats Middle C as C1. This means that Middle C is C1, the C an octave above that (the third space in treble clef) is C2, etc. Everything between C1 and C2 is labelled as a 1, everything between C2 and C3 (the C above the treble clef) is labelled as a 2, etc.
Thus the annotation here is telling you that your soprano pitch, D♭2, will be the fourth line of the treble clef, because it's the one within the C2 octave. In the next chord, that soprano will move up a major third to the nearby F2.
I've discussed octave designation in my answer to How do you refer to a note that is more than one octave above or below middle C?, but you'll notice that this specific system isn't in my answer. That's because this system is a variant of the Helmholtz system at the bottom of my answer, but one that uses Arabic numerals instead of hash marks.
2In German music notation, a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers is used, and the middle C is "c1", but I'm not sure where else in the world this system is used.– ArsakCommented Sep 10, 2021 at 11:56
1PS: I didn't know it has a name, but indeed, afaik, Helmholtz-notation is the standard in Germany– ArsakCommented Sep 10, 2021 at 12:06