I'm looking for a Lilypond templating or content management system that would allow for real, actual separation of music data from presentation.
Even better would be separation of music and lyrics.
What I am imagining:
- Music data in one file
- Several .ly templates, with {{replacement tags}} where music content should go
- A command-line utility that allows me to pair music data with a particular layout, like:
engrave songname.music lettersizetemplate.ly outputname.ly
- It would be even more awesome if it could pair texts and tunes:
engrave amazing-grace.lyrics NEW-BRITAIN.tune hymnalsize.ly amazing-grace.ly
That is my ideal, but something nearing it would be great.
I have seen someone build this from scratch in PHP for a web application, with a UI and everything. I don't need a UI (though I wouldn't mind one).
I feel like this must exist already, but doing Google searches for things like "Lilypond templating system" hasn't revealed much.
Perhaps this sort of thing can already be done in Lilypond? Perhaps someone has built it already?
If it does not exist, any thoughts on how to go about building one. I can sort of imagine doing it with something like Embedded Ruby or another templating system.