As others have written, those accidentals don't sum up.
To understand, why they are in this bar, I think it helps to look at the bars before the one in question. So, here we go:
Firstly, the key is Eb so, the A is already Ab, does the accidental turn it into an Abb(G)?
Right before this, in the previous bar, is an A natural. Hence, the flat you ask about is a reminder to play Ab again.
Secondly, the Abb appears yet again in flat form, does it mean it will be an Abbb?(Gb)?
This is also a reminder not to play A natural, but Ab. This time, it is meant for the second voice (which consists of the quarter notes/crotchets).
As Tim correctly commented, both reminders are not really necessary, since a bar line in general cancels all accidentals of the preceding bar. In this case, the bar line cancelled the A natural.