I've come across guitar sheets several times where the bass note of an arpeggiated chord, written as a half note (to keep the string ringing) is connected to the beam of the 8th notes following, for example in this post. How can I engrave this in Lilypond?
Here are some ideas I tried, but none is really satisfying: (\tweak in 4th measure inspired by this answer)
\version "2.16.2"
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice="mel" {
\relative c'
% 1st measure, with rests
r8 g' c e r a, d fis |
% 2nd measure, simultaneous notes in two voices with different lengths
c,8 g' c e d, a' d fis |
% 3rd measure, omit note heads -> stem on wrong side of half note
\omit NoteHead c,8 \undo \omit NoteHead
g' c e
\omit NoteHead d, \undo \omit NoteHead
a' d fis |
% 4th measure, \tweak does not do anything apparent here...
\tweak duration-log #2 c,8 g' c e \tweak duration-log #2 d, a' d fis |
% 5th measure, 8th notes in bass is not really what I intend
c,8 g' c e d, a' d fis |
\new Voice="bas" {
\relative c'
\repeat unfold 3 {c2 d} | s1
c8 s4. d8 s4.
\layout {}