I cannot find an answer to some of the chord relations that are present in this song, so any assistance would be great! Particularly in reference to the harmony and theory behind the progression.
The song is "I'll take everything" by James Blunt. I think it's in the key of G, but perhaps modulates in the bridge? I've bolded the parts I'm unsure of.
G -> Bm -> D [I - iii - V]
Em -> Bm -> D [vi - iii - V]
F# -> Bm -> D [is this the V chord of the Bm scale? then to a iii - V]
F# -> Bm -> D [as above] G -> F# -> Em7 -> A -> F#m -> D [Unsure about the progression here]
F#m -> C#7sus4 -> C#7 -> F#7sus4 -> F#7 -> Bm -> D [Unsure about the progression here]
Em -> F#sus4 -> F# -> F#7 -> Bm/D [Unsure about the progression here]
Thank you :D