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2 answers

Stuck with figured bass notation for inverted 7th chord

My apologies for the "name this chord" question, but i'm stuck trying to identify this harmony. The figured bass notation indicates to me that the bass note should be the seventh of a 7 ...
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Can there be a chord with two inversions represented by the same figure?

When figures are used to describe chords, they represent the intervals above the lowest pitch, and these seem to be treated as unique. For example, basic triads come in 5-3, 6-3, and 6-4 forms; and ...
Aaron's user avatar
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What is the basso continuo numbering of the inversions of a dominant seventh chord?

Consider for instance the following chord (C7) : C E G Bb E G Bb C G Bb C E Bb C E G How can I number these inversions? I remember it was something with a '+'.
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