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5 votes
7 answers

What determines the orders of flats or sharps appearing on a key signature? Why is it not just top to bottom? [duplicate]

Backstory: Beginner Piano player, self teaching, just trying to learn how to interpret key signatures Problem: Here I am puzzled: This key signature details 6 notes to be flats. The sequence left to ...
Anon's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

accidentals of the treble and bass clef

I don't understand why we have to write the key signature on the bass line? It's already precise on the treble line, so we already know the tonality of the piece. What's more, is it possible in this ...
CelmarCeaumar's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

In which cadence can parents reasonably expect multiple key signatures to be introduced in piano instruction?

If a child starts to play the piano at six (at or about the beginning of Grade 1) with a teacher, reading sheet music from the first lesson, at what point can one reasonably expect the pupil/teacher ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Trouble reading sheet music - identifying sharp note [duplicate]

I have watched this YouTube video and wanted to play it myself. I downloaded the sheet music from his description. In the following image I have marked the first incident where I wasn't sure about the ...
BoJack Horseman's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to notate a non-standard hexatonic key

I am writing part of a piano piece in a hexatonic "key" containing these notes: C - D# - E - G - Ab - B (I say "key" instead of scale because I'm treating it like a key, deriving ...
I talked with a zombie's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Clef with signature keys, entering other notes

I would like to know, suppose a clef with key signature (e.g., G is always sharp), independent of octave, appears at the beginning of the staff. Then every G that appears must be read sharp. Then what ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Confusing clarinet key signature changes

I am reading through a miniature score book of the Vorspiel (Prelude) of Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg by Richard Wagner. It's a piece for orchestra, including two B-flat clarinets. The clarinet ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Horn & Trumpet and Key Signatures

In reading from 100 Orchestration Tips by Thomas Goss, I've come across a tip which I'm perfectly happy accepting, but (perhaps as I'm not a horn player nor a trumpet player) I do not understand. 34. ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to use irregular key signatures for neutral scales?

So for 24-TET neutral scales is it correct to use irregular key signatures? or do I need to use a minor with accidentals or something?
arcioko's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Key Signature Only On First Line

This might be a dumb question (I’ve only been playing nearly 2 years), but if the key signature is only stated on the first line of the music, would that still apply to the rest of the music or not? I’...
Tespe's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Learning a new piece -- tips to make sure to get all the notes accurately from the start (piano)

As a self-learning piano beginner, I make tons of colored markings in the score of a new piece. First I must highlight all the notes that are included in the key signature so as not to forget they ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

B flat in B flat major scale [duplicate]

I was looking at playing Megalovania and came across a B flat on measure 41. Normally, I would play a B flat, but since it it is already a B flat from the B flat major chord, I am super confused. Is ...
Ceramicmrno0b's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

The key signatures C-flat minor and G-flat minor: do they exist? [duplicate]

Do the key signatures C-flat minor/G-flat minor exist? If yes,what notes are used in them, and they are rarely or frequently used in classical music? Also: DO these keys exist 9((not theorethical) ...
TechnicGoblin5R's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to read the music staff with key signatures included? [duplicate]

I am reading an introduction of music theory recently. From the first few chapters I learn the fundamental idea about notes, time signatures, music staff, treble & bass clef, interval and scale. ...
user1285419's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Do I change the key signature or add accidentals for a section in a different key?

I am composing a piano piece that starts out in G# minor (which is the set key) and later on I have a section that goes into E major. For that section, do I simply just change the key signature, or ...
Alexander Shaneyfelt's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Are the printed editions of pop songs usually in the original keys?

To help someone who wants to identify and quantify the pitch ranges of songs, I wonder whether the printed editions of pop songs are commonly in the original key.
Albrecht Hügli's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Did I use the correct key signiture for this 12 bars blues? [closed]

QuincyPenolaSheetMusic Any input would be fine. I was wondering if another key signature would have made it more easy, as there is a couple of double flats.
The Masked Marvel's user avatar
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1 answer

Do key signatures indicate changes in tablature fret numbers?

I have a tab book for "Black Sabbath" and the song "Iron Man" for example, it has a key signature of bbb. I know this song is played in standard E tuning, and eg the main riff starts with a B + F# ...
Derek's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to easily transpose sheet music?

I'm trying to get better at reading and writing standard notation. I was wondering how to transpose a piece from one key to another on sheet music, so I wrote a 2-bar phrase and tried to do it myself. ...
chips's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are songs in Mixolydian mode notated in major mode? [duplicate]

I am learning "A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles which is in G Mixolydian mode or C major. In the score I have of this song the writer notated the song in G major and used accidentals on the notes ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Listing key signatures

I'm currently creating a program to assist with realtime sheet music display from midi input (similar to what you see on many digital piano displays). What is the most logical way for a user to ...
blairyeah's user avatar
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2 answers

How to determine the key, divide the tabs and count the pauses when writing the sheet music of a song? (image included)

Below is my first attempt to write the sheet music for the song "My Way" by Sinatra: Then I googled and compared with what I found in the internet, for example this one: So my questions are: Why ...
Pika Sucar's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to read piano key signatures

I just started playing piano, but Im confused about reading key signatures. For example take a look at the first measure of this song:, does ...
bvdh's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

If the time signature changes, does the key signature change as well?

Consider the following snippet from Where Is My Mind (arranged by Maxence Cyrin). Notice how after the first few bars there's a time signature change. Does the key signature also automatically change ...
Cam's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Are tonal (sharp, flat and natural) key signatures octave specific? [duplicate]

I recently bought a piano for learning (by myself at the moment) and apart from doing basic exercises, I decided to start learning a piece to get a grip on music sheet reading as I go. On the sheet I'...
Zero's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

7 sharps on a piano music sheet

I am self taught on piano. There are some notes and symbols that I am trying to learn. I have come across a music sheet that starts with Cmajor and then along the piece it changes to 7 sharps. How do ...
evelyn's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Are accidentals in the key signature and measure additive?

If I have a flat for a note in the key signature, and then in a bar the same note with an flat symbol, does that mean the note is "double flatted"? For example in the key of D Minor with ...
Luke's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

General questions about piano sheet music notation

This is the song I wanted to do, not on a piano but in FL Studio. But I don't play the piano so I need some help in dissecting this piece. Those ##C, what do those mean (and what are they called?) ...
user avatar
26 votes
10 answers

Why is there a key signature if I never play those notes?

I'm just getting back to playing on keyboard. I'm trying to play "Ode to Joy" from the piano sheet but I have a basic question. At the beginning of some staffs, on the right of the treble clef I can ...
Piotr Sobczyk's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is B flat in this key sigiture when B is never played?

In the below sheet music B is marked as flat however the only notes played are g g g d e c C. Is that just a typo on the part of the person who made this image and it should be on the upper C or am I ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar