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Rusi's user avatar
Rusi's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Is practicing on a digital piano harmful to an experienced piano player?

4 votes

Tanpura app during Bansuri Practice

3 votes

Isn't it obvious the pitch value alphabet language of music is Chomsky regular?

2 votes

Is there a theory of scale origin based on "filling in" tones between the tones of the "chord of nature?"

2 votes

Godowski's touch

2 votes

How do I not fall into other people's singing pitch?

2 votes

Why are there 7 sharps when there are only 5 black keys on a piano?

1 vote

How to play faster songs on the violin?

1 vote

Didactic impediments of using simplified versions

1 vote

How to find music outside the 12TET system

1 vote

Rhythm or Laya in Bansuri

1 vote

Am I Hearing Bansuri Tune Correctly

1 vote

"Contemporary Christian Music" but for other religions?

0 votes

Teach beginner staff notation

0 votes

Do you ever feel like an "imposter", and how do you get over it?