I know that there is not a fully defined specification for the language used in jazz harmonic analysis, as it has grown slowly and organically and has many variations. I have seen some textbooks use the traditional way of marking minor chords with lowercase roman numerals and major chords with uppercase, creating the diatonic scale Imaj7 - ii7 - iii7 - IVmaj7 - V7 - vi7 - vii-7(b5)
. However, other textbooks such as The Chord Scale Theory & Jazz Harmony (by Nettles and Graf, ISBN: 389221056X) use all uppercase roman numerals, creating the diatonic Imaj7 - II-7 - III-7 - IVmaj7 - V7 - VI-7 - VII-7(b5)
Is there a preferred or more idiomatic way to notate analyses between these two methods or is it purely a personal preference?