An example of this sort of sound seems to happen at the very beginning of Joao Gilberto's Aguarela do Brasil. And I have been using it a lot in my guitar playing recently. But I don't know what to call this chord.
I don't have much experience actually writing down chords for other people so looking for a name for the chord that might indicate to another jazz guitarist "hey play " (meaning something like 4x345x in tab notation) if they see it in context (say as a substitution in a 2 5 1 progression).
Edit seems there is some controversy about my spelling of the chord so wanted to provide some context as to why I spelled it this way. Basically the way I discovered this voicing is as a substitution for the dominant chord leading to tonic. So with this specific voicing in this specific context, really the way I am thinking about it is as a G13 with a sharp root. An alteration of the G13 chord.