I have a song in this form:
bar 1 = a
bar 2 = b
bar 3 = chorus
bar 4 = d
bar 5 = e
bar 6 = chorus
bar 7 = g
bar 8 = h
bar 9 = chorus
Do I need rewrite "chorus" every time? Or can I use some repetition effect like:
bar 1 = a
bar 2 = b
bar 3 = chorus **
bar 4 = d
bar 5 = e **
bar 6 = g
bar 7 = h **
Which one is musically correct?
I tried "Dal Segno Al Coda"-> "Segno" (chorus)-> "to coda" -> "Coda"
This works perfectly for the first repetition, but I can't use it for the second. (I'm using Guitar pro 5, but that shouldn't matter.)