I've been jamming around with a chord progression that goes D F#m C(b5) Bm
The odd chord out is the C(b5), but my ear likes the tension-resolution is creates to end on the Bm. I know there's no "right way" etc, but my understanding of music theory (and a scale search online) tells me this progression is kind of "off" because it's going down four consecutive half steps.
Can anyone help me think about how this is working, whether it does "work", and other chords to use in this harmony?
Thanks, Charlie
Edit: First, thank you so much to people who answered. I know this is the essence of StackExchange but it's so awesome to be the beneficiary of strangers sharing musical knowledge.
Second, someone asked if this is a progression. It does repeat, however it goes
A: D F#m C(b5) Bm
B: D F#m Bm (feels a little more "resolvey" without the C(b5).