I'm having a bit of trouble obtaining the desired result in the following example:

\version "2.18.2"


  \relative c' {
    e2 e, 

  \figuremode {
    < 4 >2 < 3+ >4 < 7 3+ > 


The result is wrong. The #3- should be under the 7, but it appears over it despite the order < 7 3+ > implying the 7 should be over.

I already tried by using a placeholder before or after the 4 < _ 4 > and < 4 _ > to no avail.

Does anyone know how to get the correct result?


1 Answer 1


To get the "#3-" under the "7" you will need placeholder (underscore) _ in the connected (second) figure, not the first figure:

< 4 >2 < _ 3+ >4 < 7 3+ >

LilyPond output - figured bass fixed

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