I'd like to offer a suggestion, related to your question. Hit "enter" in your music where a measure should end; this will help you visually keep a clear head about where your music is. You can also look into Lilypond's bar checks:
You seem to have written the melody well enough; the chords are just as easy.
For instance, it looks like your melody is this:
melody = \relative c' {
\key des \major
\time 6/8
\partial 4
des8 ees
f4 bes8 aes4 f8
ges4 f8 ees4 ees8
f4 des8 bes bes des
% ...continuing...
And chords follow most of the same rules as entering melody:
lead = \chordmode {
\set minorChordModifier = \markup { "-" }
\partial 4
ees4.:m bes:m
% ...continuing...
And then together:
\score {
\new ChordNames \lead
\new Staff \melody
You obviously wrote the melody down with no trouble, so your problem here with the chords is likely that you just missed counting a rhythm value somewhere. By setting up your music in the way I outlined above, you can quickly see what the start of each measure is supposed to be, and you can easily count each measure to see if it adds up.
Just as another short example, if I wrote the following:
\relative c' { \time 3/4 d4 e2 g2 a4 b d8 a g4~ g2 b c2 fis16 g bes a ees4 aes ces ges2 cis4 bis2. ais }
And there is one rhythm error, can you quickly point it out?
Now try it again with the music separated according to measures:
\relative c' {
\time 3/4
d4 e2
g2 a4
b d8 a g4~
g2 b
c2 fis16 g bes a
ees4 aes ces
ges2 cis4
You can more easily check where a measure has gone wrong: the fourth measure, which is the fourth line of my melody: there's a g2
followed by a b
. Since there is no number after the b
, it takes whatever the previous rhythmic value was... namely a 2
, a half note, and you know you can't fit two of those in a single measure of 3/4 time!
I believe this answers your question of how you can put the chords above the correct notes... but I also hope it helps you to avoid some problems in the future, so you can focus more of your energy on getting that beautiful music written and less time figuring out where the rhythm went wrong. :) I've been there. Oh, I've been there.
Happy Lilyponding!