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The violin is the best known bowed string instrument. It is the smallest of the string instruments normally used in orchestral music. It is used in all music styles and is very common in classical, country, and certain types of folk and traditional music. Another name for the violin is the fiddle.

3 votes
3 answers

Why tilt a violin bow inward? (I.e., stick towards bridge, not towards scroll)

In this recording of Jascha Heifetz he frequently tilts the bow inwards (by which I mean towards the bridge instead of "outwards" towards the scroll). Here's a frame showing it: I have never seen …
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1 answer

Can left-hand pizzicato be balanced between open and stopped strings?

When I attempt left-hand pizzicato on an open string I get a resonance that is so loud compared to muted sound I can get with left-hand pizz on a stopped string that if played in the same passage the …
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5 votes
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Why do violin bridges support the lower strings at a greater height from the fingerboard?

It appears that violin bridges are typically designed asymmetrically to support the lower strings at a greater height from the fingerboard, as shown in this photo: At the end of the fingerboard the …
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7 votes
3 answers

What do three layers of slurs mean for violin?

Here's a four-measure excerpt from an arrangement for violin (by Maxim Jacobsen). There are points in the score – two indicated in red here – where there are three slurs in effect simultaneously. … The violin bow only goes in one direction at a time! So what is the writer trying to convey with these? How would the meaning change if only the longest slur were written over those segments? …
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Sources for analysis of Bach fugues?

I've been working on Bach's Sonata #1 for Solo Violin (BWV 1001) and I have concluded that I would benefit from some sort of analysis of the Fugue. …
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9 votes
4 answers

Drawbacks to using fine tuners on all violin strings?

I almost never see violins with a fine-tuner on any but the E string. Is there any drawback to placing and using fine tuners on lower strings? (Other than the need to use strings with loop ends.)
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2 answers

Can I use a violin G string for D?

I have ended up with some extra Pirastro violin G strings. What would the consequences be of using an aluminum-on-gut G string for D? …
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3 votes
6 answers

Holding violin bow without pinky

For classical violin: Is holding the bow without using the small finger of the right hand considered defective technique, or does it not matter? …
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