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For questions about the theory behind building and naming chords. Do not use for questions about how to physically play a chord or chord progression on an instrument.
I want to use a modal interchange chord but I can't find which mode/scale I'm borrowing it from
There is no difference in the ii7-5 chord between C natural or C harmonic minor, since both contain an Ab. The only difference would come in the C melodic minor, which would raise the Ab to an A-natur …
Hearing Chord Progressions
The notes of a chord are distributed among voices. More than one voice is able to played simultaneously on piano or guitar (and occasionally on string instruments.) Piano and guitar are able to play a …
Why do we only build 7th chords on the supertonic and dominant of a major scale?
In jazz and modern classical music, all kinds of 7th chords and beyond are used. But in the past, the most common 7th chords in classical music were built on the supertonic and dominant scale degrees …
Term for two differently named chords that contain the same notes
There are only three fully diminished chords in regards to actual pitch. They can be spelled different ways according to the key. Your example for Ddim7 is actually spelled incorrectly. It should be D …
Help identifying this chord with many accidentals
I agree this is a V7/V chord. D# major is kind of a made-up chord not found in nature (it doesn't exist in a regular scale due to the F double-sharp.) But it exists theoretically, as seen above. It c …
Are left hand chord patterns influenced by the time signature?
Time signature does three things in western classical music: it tells how many beats are in each measure, it tells which beats are strong, and it tells whether the beats are divided into two or three …
theory - D major in F major chord progression?
The D chord is acting like the V of the Gm chord, and is followed directly by the Gm chord. The F# in the D chord is acting like a leading tone into the G of the Gm, essentially "tonicizing" the Gm ch …
Why is the fifth chord a dominant 7? And if it is a dominant 7, why most of the songs use ju...
D is the triad on the 5th note of the key of G. D7 adds the 7th. Both act as dominants and contain the leading tone that pulls back to the tonic chord. However, the added 7th makes that pull stronger …
Does this chord function as a 13 chord?
Every single chord in this measure is an Ebm7, in various inversions and voicings.
Determining the seventh chords of a key
Seventh chords have different qualities, just like intervals and triads do. The qualities of seventh chords come from the combination of the quality of the triad and the quality of the 7th between the …
Preparation of Chordal 7ths in Classical Harmony
In using 7th chords, it is important to consider the movement of the scale degrees. 7 likes to lead to 8, 4 likes to move down to 3, etc. When resolving a 7th chord it is preferred that these types of …
Understanding bVII harmony
I think it works there because it is the end of the circle of 5ths (not necessarily all dominant, but the root movement anyway starting with the Bm7) , but the F chord (FAC), especially with the melod …
Can the I IV V chords harmonize any major scale melody?
A melody diatonic to the key can be accompanied with just I, IV and V chords, but this will give a less rich harmonization than using a wider variety of chords. But based on your question, you want to …