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4 answers

Garbled Lilypond Output

I divided the notes of my score into 6 variables respectively called: \partOne, \partTwo, \partThree, \partFour, \partFive and \partSix. Each variable contains 20 measures of music. Then I call the ...
Niall's user avatar
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2 answers

Lilypond: barre marker for single note values

This question deals with barre chord notation for guitar using the TextSpanner command in Lilypond. This approach is also described in the Lilypond documentation. However, this approach only works if ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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Lilypond: B-note stem up

I want B note to have its stem going up most of the time so I don't need to use every time \stemUp and \stemNeutral commands. Is that possible? Thank you.
Sangit's user avatar
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LilyPond - Grace note too close to the barline

Lilypond places the grace notes very close to the barline (see image). Is it possible to create more room between the barline and the notes?
Sangit's user avatar
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LilyPond: words connected with hyphen

I started working on a songbook with English songs and came across lyrics where the words are connected with hyphens. What would be the best way to show these in LilyPond? In the example below there ...
Sangit's user avatar
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Correct Connected (Across Staves) Arpeggio Collission

In context, the collision looks like this: Here's a minimum example that appears to reproduce the problem: \version "2.22.1" rh=\relative c'' {\key des \major <g g'>4.( <e e'&...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How Do I Insert Markup (ritardando) Without a Note

In the solo voice here: a ritardando shows up on beat four of the measure, but there is only a whole note in the measure. If I attach the ^\markup{\italic rit.} to that whole note, the ritardando ...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Error and flat notes

Lilypond gives me an error in the second line but I can't find out where it is. Plus in the last line all the F note are flat (ff) but the second F note even if it is written correctely do not show ...
Mahanidhi's user avatar
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Is there a way of actually opening hairpins in LilyPond?

I need this for an Ossia staff that only appears for a single bar, like this: The real hairpin starts before that bar (like the 2nd one), but spanning the hairpin where the lower one starts doesn't ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do you set the number of measures per line or page in LilyPond / Frescobaldi when you have a score with multiple instruments?

As I am doing an arranging project, I was wondering how to set the number of measures per line and therefore page as it is a score with a rhythm section and five horns. I have seen these pages (line ...
Guest Poster's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way get rhythm section notation (rhythmic notation, kicks over time, and slash notation) to display in LilyPond / Frescobaldi?

I have an arranging project due very soon, so I decided to ask this while I might still get help and a response. What is the best way to get rhythm section notation techniques like rhythmic notation, &...
Guest Poster's user avatar
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How can I set LilyPond's "Point and Click" from Skim to VSCode?

I'm working on on MacOS High Sierra, and I'm trying to use Point and Click so that Skim (PDF viewer) redirects to a specific file/line/column/character/letter/whatever on VSCode. I've found a couple ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I get chords that last half a measure to display correctly in 6/8 in LilyPond / Frescobaldi?

I am currently using a lead sheet template to make a reference lead sheet for someone (I am looking to see if the chords that I found are correct, but that is a whole other problem). In LilyPond / ...
Guest Poster's user avatar
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How can I use a custom text font in LilyPond?

I'm trying to use the "Hiragino Mincho ProN" font for Japanese text on the title, but I don't know how to use fonts, not even the other default ones (Sans and Typewriter). I don't have any ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to disable or limit compression of over-full pages in Lilypond?

Sometimes lilypond tries to use less pages for more music, which is not always wanted. This can be easily fixed by manually adding \pageBreak , but sometimes an automatic solution is needed. When ...
Rualark's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make position/barre markers in lilypond?

I've recently started experimenting with LilyPond (Version 2.18.2 in case it matters). I've been fairly successful in creating basic scores, but I cannot figure how to properly make position/barre ...
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2 answers

What's this L symbol in piano notation called?

There's a symbol used in piano manuscript notation that means "play this in the other hand, even though it's written in this one". It looks like a capital L shape: As you can (maybe) see in ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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LilyPond - Repeat with Partial Measure at the End

This demonstrates the problem: \relative c' { c4 d e f d e \repeat volta 2 { f g a, b c d } \alternative { { e2 } { ...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

LilyPond tie doesn't work as expecting with two voices

I want to connect two b2., but the output connected the g. How to make this work? An explanation of this issue will be more grateful. \version "2.18.2" { \clef bass \time 3/4 << { \...
WillBC's user avatar
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