- At the second bar where the notes are A,D,C
is this D/A ? but isn't the third note (F#) something you can't omit ?
- Through out this piece there is a bunch of sudden inversion the makes a lot of gaps..
like at the beginning bar G to C/E ? and going back to C ?
isn't this kind of weird ? I don't know but I feel awkward and weird when the inversion chord appears first and go back to the regular form.
I also feel the song is somehow unorganized because of all this inversions going all over the place.
But when I here the song it sounds great. Am I analyzing this wrong ?
Because on my last question (Analyzing Tschaikowsky's "Wintermorgen" 3)
Richard told me
"In this repertoire, it's not always important to label every single chord. Sometimes a composer just moves some pitches around by step and the "chord" that it creates is just an accident. I really think that's what's happening here. I don't personally think it's important to label "G7/F" in the second measure of the second system; I think it's much better to see the larger pattern of the voice exchange between the alto and bass."
Then how do I analyze pieces the right and accurate ways ?