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4 votes
1 answer

Tongue drum note symbols

I've been offered recently a tongue drum similar to this one: Exploring the Stack Exchange answers, I think it is tuned to the pentatonic scale. However I cannot make sense of the symbols on the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Rests & Their Usefulness in Drums

Well, I'm a drummer. I've been drumming for the past three years. I can read sheet music and I have this question. What's the point of having 'rests' in drums. I mean, why can't you leave the part ...
2 votes
1 answer

Notation for cymbal choke and cymbal stop?

First, what's the difference between a cymbal choke and a cymbal stop? Is it that a choke is immediate (as soon as possible) and a stop is after the predetermined length of the note (i.e., eighth note,...
5 votes
1 answer

What does this diagonal line in the drums sheet music mean?

As the title says, what does the indicated line in the figure mean in a drum sheet music?
4 votes
1 answer

Separate drumkit into hands and feet in Musink music maker

I'm writing drum and percussion exercises in Musink music maker software. It's going well except when I write the hands and feet the notes 'join'. I would like them to be separate. I read about voice ...
5 votes
1 answer

Meaning of drum TAB notation: horizontal line with upward stroke

I came across the following notation which I couldn't find in any guides to drum TAB notation: It resembles a small x note lying directly on the 2nd stave line from the top (i.e., a D4 in the treble ...
1 vote
3 answers

Drum and dotted notes

I am trying to practice Smell like a teen spirit on drums and there is something I don’t understand with dotted notes. Here is the sheet: I don’t understand the use of dotted notes in this sheet. If ...
7 votes
2 answers

Convenient notation for doubletime

I am trying to write drum sheet music and I'm not sure if using the following notation, to indicate doubletime over this one is allowed. To me, the first one seems more convenient, especially when ...
9 votes
2 answers

How to notate a double stop for snare drum music

I'm just writing some stuff out by hand, and wondered how to indicate a single note where both hands play in unison, called a double stop. Or perhaps how to indicate a few bars will use double stops. ...
5 votes
1 answer

How do I draw ghost notes in ABC notation?

Fairly straightforward question. I can't seem to find it in the standard or the docs. Perhaps it's just a matter of terminology. Basically, what I'm looking for is this: Or, more precisely, the ghost ...
3 votes
2 answers

Drum chart standards

I'm currently notating a drum chart in Sibelius. The song is "Best to You" by Blood Orange. It's an R&B/Electropop/Afrobeat song. I am not a drummer, and I have only just figured out ...
11 votes
3 answers

"Standard" drum notation alternatives

For the purpose of playing live, working through ("popular") songs involving verse, chorus, bridge, intro, outro, etc., is there a standard notation that drummers use to help them know what to play, ...
3 votes
2 answers

When reading Darbukah drum notes, some letters are capital, what is the meaning of it?

I'm learning to play Darkbuka these days and when reading notes, I see that some letters representing notes are capital and some are not and I looked for the reason online and couldn't find it, so ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do you write ghost notes in stop time?

From my example I have a rhythmic slashes notation (stop time), how do I change some of them to a ghost notation? I know in regular notation you do an X, I think in slashes you do brackets, is that a ...
7 votes
2 answers

Hi-hat Sheet notation

Would someone help me out with the hi-hat notation here?: My theory's a little rusty, I'm thinking it is a foot close of the hi-hat and not a closed strike? I only started learning 6 months ago so it'...
4 votes
4 answers

Rhythm non-standard notation

I have read this paragraph a couple of times, but I haven't really had a light bulb moment. My interpretation is that the upper example wants one to play In bar 1: four beats of ones own choosing ...
1 vote
3 answers

Drum set notation

I'm notating a drum beat in Finale that I worked on at first using a piano roll. Below is a screenshot of the piano roll containing the beat's pattern. From bottom to top the rows containing notes ...
2 votes
2 answers

Clefs used for pitched percussion

I know that unpitched percussion instruments use the percussion/neutral clef. However, I was wondering what clefs are used for pitched percussion instruments. Are treble, tenor, alto and bass clef all ...
4 votes
2 answers

What does this "legato" means for bass drum?

I am looking at the tab for heart of gold on Songsterr and I've come across this bit what does the legato notation means? Should I put two notes there or just one?
1 vote
1 answer

Writing to 4/4 midi grid with triplets for drums

I'm trying to write the following to a MIDI grid and unsure exactly how it should be written. Any help would be great. This is how i have the grid so far. 1/32 Quantize T = Tom (Aka LT) K = Kick (...
4 votes
2 answers

What does the double 3s mean in these patterns?

These are from For Whom the Bell Tolls drums: I understand the sixteen-notes triplets, but the other 3 above them confuses me. The first sixteen-note of the triplets would be in the same location as ...
3 votes
1 answer

LilyPond: Subdivided beam grouping for compound time signatures

I'm trying to write a 12/8 drum score in Lilypond, with a lot of 32nd note phrasing, and the default beam grouping looks a bit ugly to me: (Here's the above example in LilyBin:
4 votes
1 answer

Vertical score positioning in LilyPond

I'm writing a drum sheet template for LilyPond and I'd like to place a drum key box to the left of the header. Here is what I've done so far: LilyBin link for fiddling with my markup: http://lilybin....
3 votes
2 answers

What's this drum symbol (X with line in the middle without tail)

Can someone please help me identify this drum symbol? It's from the second bar here:
3 votes
2 answers

What are Kick Lines?

I'm reading a drum notation book and it talks about "kick lines"? Is there a precise definition somewhere? (searching doesn't help since it thinks I'm talking about the kick drum)
4 votes
2 answers

How to change all hihats to ride cymbal in GuitarPro

I'm not sure if this qn belongs here, but it is related to music, so here it goes. I've been modifying some drum tabs on Guitar Pro. The problem is, for a specific section all the HiHat notes need to ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is Dot & Tie in Drumming sheet?

What is exactly the difference of the Dot and Tie sheet music? I know how it works on piano, is it the same with the drums?
6 votes
1 answer

Sources for sight-reading exercises that focus on subdivisions (emphasis on drums) [closed]

As is the case for all drummers, for me, it's a great fun to find weird rhythmic patterns and to practice over basic beats to create some tension in the straight sections of various songs. However, ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is the standard closed hi hat hit notation?

So far I've been able to find standard notation for the hi hat hit and hi hat pedal hit but it its not clear to me what is the closed hi hat notation. As i understand, normal hi hat hit is on the G2 ...
7 votes
3 answers

What do multiple l's and r's beneath a note mean?

I do a tad of drumming, but not enough at all to call myself a drummer (or anything close). I understand what a R or a L means under a note, but i'm not sure what two or three under each note means. I ...