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6 votes
5 answers

Thomas Tank Engine theme tune chord sequence - why does it work?

I'm trying to gain some understanding of non-diatonic chord sequences and why they work. I've been listening to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme tune which I believe is in the key of C Major and the ...
user307927's user avatar
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5 answers

Bach prelude in C major: unresolved suspension?

I know that in the common practice style, even in free composition where guidelines don't apply strictly, a dissonant suspension must resolve. In the WTC 1 prelude in C major, bar 20 is a C dominant ...
OprenStein's user avatar
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3 answers

Does tempo affect use of non-harmony notes?

Writing a four part piece for strings at a very slow tempo (55 bpm). On paper, it seems as though the non-chord notes I have selected should work, but I am finding some of them jarring. I am unsure if ...
EdB123's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there another name for a suspension that creates a chord in the given key?

Here's a progression of a German 6th chord to V in C minor: But that creates parallel perfect fifths between the alto and bass(Ab-G, Eb-D). Since I'm lazy, instead of fixing that, I cover it up with ...
OprenStein's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Stepwise bass movement/intermediate (passing) harmony technique

A song I like adds great motion to an otherwise simple progression by adding passing tones in the bass line, leaving the other harmonies unaltered. Please see the following transcription: Does this ...
286642's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do some sheet-music arrangements harmonize anticipation notes?

Throughout this arrangement from the song "Don't look back in anger" by the band "Oasis" the arranger seems to harmonize the anticipated melody note as shown in green. But the ...
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3 answers

Would this note from Consolation No. 3 be considered a nonchord tone?

I was playing through Consolation No. 3 by Liszt yesterday, and I had a theory question about something. In the second measure of this picture, the harmony is an E major triad. This section is in A ...
Lennon_Ashton's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are these upper voices in this final passage from Handel a bona fide F7 chord or some kind of non-chord tones?

Handel. Preludes, Air, and Lesson...,Air%26_Lesson.pdf EDIT I was complete off the mark with this. The only excuse I can ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do I have to prepare and resolve non-chord tones in certain ways?

I keep getting feedback from certain people on a classical music forum that I prepare and resolve my dissonances wrongly and that my counterpoint is off. And this is regardless of what type of ...
Caters's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Harmony - Non-Chord Tones in Bass?

I am just working on my harmony 9, and I am wondering if you can have non-chord tones in the bass?
user52149's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How would these nonchord tones from Beethoven's Pathétique Sonata best be analyzed?

Hi everyone. I'm working on an analysis of Movement II from Beethoven's Pathétique Sonata. In the measures shown in the image, I am trying to analyze the nonchord tones that occur in the chromatic ...
Lennon_Ashton's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

HARMONY- Neighbour note

Can the 7th note of a chord be a neighbour note? For example if we have the Em (E,G,B,D) can the D be a neighbour note if we have E - D - E?
Musiclove's user avatar
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2 answers

4 consecutive non-chord tones

Looking at the first measure of the chorus in Ecuador I have noticed that at the end of the measure there are four consecutive non-chord tones: c#...
uff's user avatar
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