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Questions tagged [violin-family]

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8 votes
3 answers

When people say that viola and double bass are too small for their range, what does it mean?

I'll stick to the viola example, though I've heard similar arguments made about the double bass. I've seen the following reasoning: the viola is tuned one fifth lower than the violin. A perfect fifth ...
zabolekar's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What metrics can be used to determine good technique/posture?

I am feeling a bit inspired by using physical laws to guide technique, like how Newton's laws are used here to give guidelines for bow hold: My idea is ...
Emil's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Are there popular microtonal scales for violins? Or any instrument that can easily get microtones?

I'm interested in popular or used microtonal scales. I don't need a list of all possible ones, just those that are used. If you could also please give the uses of such microtonalities to hear not just ...
Red Mermaid's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

When to start learning double stops on violin?

I am an adult beginner on the violin and would just like to say I've absolutely loved it so far. I started at the very beginning of this year and found a teacher who I'm extremely happy with. Around ...
qfwfq's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

I dropped my violin! Is it OK? What should I do? [closed]

Okay, the unthinkable has happened. I dropped my violin (or viola or cello), or something fell on it, or someone knocked it over. What should I check? Can I correct any problems myself? Should I take ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to tell whether the soundpost of a violin needs adjustment?

I am aware that soundpost should be adjusted by a professional luthier when the violinist desires e.g. brighter sound. But as a beginner, I don't think it is relevant for me for now. Does the fact ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Is it spelled "violincello" or "violoncello"?

I’m trying to understand the proper spelling of the full name of the cello. I’ve seen it both of these ways, violincello and violoncello. I thought since the cello is part of the violin family it ...
Benjamin Hale's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Are there any violin family instruments built without a left shoulder?

On the bass and cello (and probably violin and viola as well), it seems like many aspects of proper form serve the purpose of getting ones arm over the left shoulder to play high on the fingerboard. ...
awe lotta's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How long does a violin bow technique last?

When reading a sheet music there is some specific bow technique that need to be used on some passages, but I wonder when I will need to switch to my regular bow stroke. For example like in "La ...
user635988's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it worthwhile to buy good accessories for a cheap violin

I'm a self-teaching violinist. I bought my violin 3 years ago and have been practicing since than. I'm a highschool student, so I don't have much time to practice, so I'm slow at learning it. (I'm ...
user635988's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is it a bad idea to learn both violin and viola?

I have just started to learn violin. But I was thinking of buying a viola too. Mainly because the intonation is a bit easier on the viola due to longer scale length. But I wonder how hard they are to ...
klutt's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Notation for bowed instrument to play chord from high to low

On classical instruments like violin and cello a chord notated with three or more simultaneous notes is assumed to be bowed starting on the lowest string to the highest. However, at times chords ...
feetwet's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Pizzicato notation

I'm trying to figure out what (if any) norms apply to notation for pizzicato. As explained here, we have: Do we not have any symbols used to indicate right-hand pizzicato? I have only seen it ...
feetwet's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is there a name for a violin with five strings?

Is there a distinguishing name for this stringed instrument that is, as best as I an find, otherwise referred to as a "five-string violin?"
feetwet's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Pitch and Volume Compensations for Different Instruments

I'm curious if various instruments require that the player compensate in any way (in terms of technique, e.g., force used to bow, force used to blow, or embouchure alterations) when playing low vs. ...
Phil Freihofner's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a 14" Viola and a 4/4 Violin? [duplicate]

What is the difference between a 14" Viola and a 4/4 Violin? Are they both the same but just different names? Is there any difference in standard tuning or strings used? Or any difference in ...
Sooraj's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Why don't violins have geared tuners?

Why is it that violins use simple pegs instead of geared tuners, like an upright bass?
zwiebelspaetzle's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How long does it take to insert / remove string mute? [duplicate]

I'm writing a piece where is necessary to switch the use of the mute on the string session. To become possible, I need to know how much time in seconds do I need to give the musicians to change the ...
Rogério Dec's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Alternatives to gut for fretting a viol(a)

I bought a beginner's viola a while back with the intention of learning some, but we never really hit off. In the meantime I rented a bass viol for a while and really enjoyed this one. Since I can no ...
finitud's user avatar
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1 answer

Is pizzicato louder than finger picking?

Is pizzicato on a violin family instrument louder than finger picking an acoustic guitar? It seems that way, since those instruments are played in large concert halls that a guitar would probably need ...
user46580's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Do left handed violinists play in orchestras?

I don't think I've ever seen any orchestra that uses left handed violinists (or viola/cello/bass players). My guess is that they would clash with the rest of the violinists, and they would seem out of ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can a violin imitate the sound of an Erhu?

I don't know if this is "impossible" due to the different construction of the two instruments, but do you know if the violin can imitate the sound of the Chinese erhu? Here is a YouTube video for ...
Briard's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Are some viola tuning pegs the same size as 4/4 violin tuning pegs?

I know that adult size violas are sold by length in inches, (i.e. instead of 4/4, 7/8, etc.) and can vary to better fit the player. Are viola tuning pegs all the same diameter or do those have to ...
musicwithoutpaper's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Can a smaller viola be used as a violin?

My son plays the violin. Recently, we saw that someone in the neighborhood is selling a viola, I don't remember the exact size, perhaps it was 1/4. Is it possible to string the viola using violin ...
I Like to Code's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to notate fingerings on chords/double stops?

I have a chord that requires a different hand position from the music surrounding it. Because it is only one note, I think it is unnecessary to indicate recommended position instead of recommended ...
cat40's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is the name of the object on the strings of the violin behind the bridge

I see on some violins there is something on the A and E strings between the tail peace and the bridge. What is it called and what does it do? I found a similar thing on the violins of the soloist in ...
mASOUD's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

What circumstances affect the perception of the accuracy of the pitch adversely?

I recently played at Open Mic on the violin and today I saw the video of it and it was completely out of the tune that I wanted to tear all my hair. I never play so badly even when I just practice. ...
Dávid Natingga's user avatar
42 votes
10 answers

Why is the double bass the only instrument in the violin family tuned in fourths?

Out of the 4 instruments of the Violin Family (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass), the bass is the only instrument tuned in fourths. Wikipedia states The double bass is generally tuned in fourths, ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar