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Questions tagged [lilypond]

For questions about usage of LilyPond, the free music engraving program. Code formatting on this site is not intended for LilyPond; workarounds can be found on meta. Questions may also necessitate the notation and/or engraving tags.

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How to create a custom markup for chord names in lilypond

I am trying to display chord names left from the chord diagrams in lilypond. Based on answers in this question I was able to offset the positions of the diagrams and respective chord names, but the ...
JAV's user avatar
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LilyPond: Scottish Snare Notation

The notation for snare drum music used in bagpipe bands is somewhat nonstandard. Here's some simple examples of the Association of North American Pipe Band Associations (ANAPBA) standardized "...
user2676858's user avatar
1 vote
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LilyPond: Problems with the \scaleDurations function

I recently developed an algorithm in Python that allows me to generate time signatures and metronome markings and output them as LilyPond code. I use metronome indications with up to three decimal ...
kleinlosen's user avatar
3 votes
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Display LilyPond fret diagrams next to chord names instead of below

I am trying to display chord diagrams with LilyPond to the side of the chord names. By default, LilyPond renders the diagram below the chord name like so: but I want them to be side by side like so: ....
JAV's user avatar
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Lilypond : Multi bar, multi repeat in one measure

Following Lilypond: Single bar, multiple repeat, I want this for a multi measure repeat. I'm converted (./.) to (.//.) with percperc = \markup\concat{ \raise #0.5 \musicglyph #"" ...
Fortissimo's user avatar
3 votes
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aliases for notes in lilypond

\version "2.24.2" { \drums { \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #weinberg-drums-style tomfh } } Renders a floor tom using Weinberg Drums Style. Is it possible to assign aliases like in ...
Flo's user avatar
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LilyPond: Display different time signature

I'm engraving some early music, and, occasionally, to follow what is in the sources, I'd like to replace the symbol for what would be notated in modern time signatures as "3/2" or "4/2&...
AlexJ's user avatar
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Barlines in proportional notation disappear

Some time ago, I reached out to the lil mailing list seeking assistance with creating a Csound to LilyPond converter. The goal was to improve the readability and presentation of Csound scores using ...
cordelia's user avatar
9 votes
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LilyPond: how to restore the old figured bass font

I've been looking at the latest stable version of Lilypond (2.24.2) and noticed that the figured bass font is not the same as before. Not only that, but (without changing anything) the symbols are ...
AlexJ's user avatar
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Iterate through a list argument in Lilypond define-scheme-function

I'm trying to write my first define-scheme-function in Lilypond, and I'm stuck. I'm wanting to output a variable number of handbell 'echo' notations within a single measure. This is working for a ...
Mark's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

LilyPond lyrics affecting horizontal spacing in score

While attempting to typeset a piece of baroque vocal music, I've come upon this issue where lyrics cause uneven spacing of the notes in other voices in the score. For example, the 2nd violin on the ...
AlexJ's user avatar
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Create a scale in a given mode (e.g. lydian or dorian) with lilypond

How do I create a scale in a given mode (e.g. lydian or dorian) with lilypond? I've seen that the scales are defined in and I've tried to apply \set Staff.keyAlterations but ...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Difference between "Extending LilyPond" and "Scheme (in LilyPond)"

What are the differences between Extending LilyPond and Scheme (in LilyPond)? AFAICS there is on the one side the work of Urs Liska in this github repository that was forked by Jean Abou Samra (see ...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Documentation of lilypond's scheme classes (Pitch, Score etc.)

Where are lilypond's scheme classes (Pitch, Score etc.) documented? For example the documentation of the scheme-function ly:pitch? says "Is x a smob of class Pitch?". But there is no link or ...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Lilypond custom lines to denote intervals

I'm trying to display the harmonic series, and highlight the interval between each note and the octave below them. I'm imagining dimension lines as used in blue-prints. I could use some hints on how ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Lilypond keyboard diagrams

Does Lilypond offers keyboard diagramms? I've seen that there are guitar diagramms (aka FretBoards). But I can not find something similar for keyboard/piano.
wolfrevo's user avatar
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LilyPond: How can I compile a tweak macro?

I’m trying to insert a new macro with the tweak command (\tweak Accidental.restore-first ##t) in my include-all file but it doesn't work. The macro is: restoreacc = \tweak Accidental.restore-first ##t....
Sangit's user avatar
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Lilypond - Moving around the number for a tuplet

I'm trying to replicate a triplet drawn as a bow with the number over the bow rather than under and shifted to hover over the first note. By following LilyPond - change tuplet bracket to a small bow, ...
Frotz's user avatar
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Question about tempo/text markup in Lilypond

I have the following score typeset in Lilypond: and I have two question about markup: I typeset "ritenuto" (slow down) as \tempo "rit.". Is it correct? How can I move \tempo &...
Dmitry Kabanov's user avatar
4 votes
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LilyPond - opacity of objects (slurs specifically)

I am transcribing a manuscript of BWV 1011 (prelude) and there are a few slurs that appear to be a little faint: Is there a way in which the slur opacity can be controlled in LilyPond?
eftshift0's user avatar
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Custom scale and key signature

I am currently experimenting with microtonality in LilyPond. Mainly, I would like to switch to the Pythagorean tuning and lower or raise pitches by a syntotic comma, as in the this snippet. However, ...
FKranhold's user avatar
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4 answers

Garbled Lilypond Output

I divided the notes of my score into 6 variables respectively called: \partOne, \partTwo, \partThree, \partFour, \partFive and \partSix. Each variable contains 20 measures of music. Then I call the ...
Niall's user avatar
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LilyPond Lyrics Alignment - align to syllable vowel (as found in gregorian sheets)

Is there a way to align lyrics in LilyPond in such a way that the syllable vowel (or last vowel of a diphtong) aligns to the note (or the first note of a melisma), like we find in gregorian chant ...
Laércio de Sousa's user avatar
7 votes
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Contemporary Music note group Notation

I am writing an article about Stockhausen's Plus-Minus and I wanted to take this chance to write some snippets in LilyPond. Is there anyone willing to help me to transcribe this image? This is what I ...
ddgg's user avatar
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Generate different scores from a template

I am a brand new lilypond user and I am struggling to understand what the best structure for my project might be. Here a simplified example of it I have a file that I was planning to use as a ...
ddgg's user avatar
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Lilypond lead sheet chord symbol notation

I am working with a collection of Lilypond files generated from the Weimer Jazz Database, and I've been trying to understand the rules for chord symbol notation. I've found a useful resource ...
C. Bunks's user avatar
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Exporting a music expression to be included in another file

I'm working on engraving an orchestral work, and currently I'm using the standard note file and layout file project structure. However, for parts this requires the addition of individual files for ...
Valérie Thibault's user avatar
5 votes
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How to slur across staves in lilypond (not a single voice)?

I'm trying to engrave these phrasing slurs across two staves: I've read this question, but it seems different because the slurred phrase was a single voice that crossed between staves. In my case, ...
jtbandes's user avatar
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Combining wind staves for conductor's score

I'm trying to engrave a score, and I'm working on setting up the wind staves. There are two flutes, so what I would like to happen is passages where they play mostly in unison to be displayed on one ...
Valérie Thibault's user avatar
5 votes
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Lilypond \easyHeadsOn: How to show german note name H

In german the english note name B is named H (while english Bb is named B) The german note name H can be entered when using \language "deutsch". But when using \easyHeadsOn the \language &...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Lilypond: Alternate, compound time signatures in parentheses

I'm trying to typeset this time signature from a hand-written manuscript: A straight-up 7/8 time signature is easy \time 7/8 The 2/4+3/8 is tougher but still not bad \compoundMeter #'((2 4) (3 8)) ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Lilypond: Boxed rehearsal marks with rounded corners

I'm typesetting a piece which has circular rehearsal marks. That's easy enough to achieve in lilypond with \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-circle-numbers However, later in the score,...
Stewart's user avatar
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LilyPond - Can I programmatically make Lyrics align after line breaks?

Let’s say I’ve got two lines of music and words, represented here by bullets: \lyricmode { doe ray songs i whooosh there’s two lines you say } • • • • • doe ray songs i ...
Neal's user avatar
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6 votes
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lilypond instrumentName breaks geometry

I have a score which looks great, until I try to set the instrumentName: Without instrumentName: With instrumentName: \score { ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Page number font size in Lilypond

Is it possible? How can I set the font size for the page numbers?
Student's user avatar
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Applying a given markup to two consecutive syllables in lyrics

Given the following LilyPond MWE: melody = \relative c' { a( b) c } lyra = \lyricmode { Foo bar baz } lyrb = \lyricmode { Foo -- bar baz } lyrc = \lyricmode { Foo __ bar baz } \score { &...
Laércio de Sousa's user avatar
1 vote
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Make every thing in Lilypond larger

How can I make every thing in Lilypond bigger, I want the size of all objects (e.g. note heads, accidentals, clefs etc.) to become bigger. Can any one help?
Student's user avatar
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Disable double-bar separators in Lilypond

I am exporting voices from a score I wrote in Lilypond. In the voices there are these double bars, which separate the lines from each other. How can I disable these double-bars?
Student's user avatar
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Lilypond tuplets

As can be seen in the image, some composers mix the note types used in tuplets. In this case, there are two eighths and a half note (equal to 4 eighths). The total duration is 6 eighths in triplet ...
C. Bunks's user avatar
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Lilypond: how to engrave a break between choruses and output a single MIDI file?

I'm studying melodic structures in jazz solos, and am using Lilypond to annotate characteristics such as chord tone, non-chord tones, and enclosures. I've written a Python script to automate the ...
C. Bunks's user avatar
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Tremoli in Lilypond look destroyed

My tremoli between notes are looking so destroyed!: I have added before each repeat: \ftbt \override = #3 where \ftbt is: ftbt = \once \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.4 Any help is ...
Student's user avatar
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Offset note head position horizontaly

Lilypond is notating two notes with the same position on the staff directly on top of each other. I want them to be slightly offset, so that (in the example below) I can discern between a and a# more ...
Student's user avatar
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Lilypond - '\on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first' not working in version 2.24.1 anymore

I used the following code for page numbering and copyright formatting in lilypond --version 2.20.0: pagenumcol = \markup { \column { \vspace #0.5 \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } }...
nath's user avatar
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Combine curved paths with fingerings

I want to mark notes with fingerings where the finger number has a bow below or above. First, I am creating the bows: upper-bow = #'( (M 0 0) (C 0.6 0.2 1.4 0.2 2 0) ) lower-bow = #'( (M 2 0) ...
marktani's user avatar
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Lilypond midi volume mix between chord progression and melody

I'm writing python code to automatically annotate jazz solo transcriptions (with their corresponding chord progressions) and to produce midi output using Lilypond. I'd like to instruct Lilypond to ...
C. Bunks's user avatar
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Can I create separate variables for duration and pitch in LilyPond and combine them?

How would I go about defining two separate variables where one can be mapped onto the other to produce some typical output? For instance: durations = { 4 8 8 2 } pitches = { e' g' f' a' } \score { ...
Neal's user avatar
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Put repeating codes in a variable in Lilypond

I want to put some commands into a variable, so that I can write the variable instead of repeating the commands over and over: myvar = \once \override Beam.beam-thickness = #tremBeamThickness \...
Student's user avatar
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Bring text/line segments in Lilypond in the same vertical position

I have many places in my Lilypond score where my line+text combination stand in different heights. I would like them to be in the same height. Here is an example: I have defined these as: dord = {\...
Student's user avatar
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Setting the thickness of the beams of tremoli in Lilypond

How can I set the thickness of tremolo beams? I use \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.3 in my globals, but this sets also the thickness of beams of notes. I found this page
Student's user avatar
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Shorten Tremolo Beam Length in Lilypond

I have a simple tremolo, as the picture below shows. The beam lengths are too long and collide with the note heads. How can I adjust the length of the beams to shorten them a bit? I have tried putting ...
Student's user avatar
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