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11 votes
5 answers

Why is the key typically the first and/or last note (or chord) of a song?

Is there a strategical reason when composing for the key to commonly be the first and/or last note (or chord) of a song?
Emotion's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How do find the key signature in "Fantasia on Greensleeves" [closed]

Can someone verify if Ralph Vaughan Williams "Fantasia on Greensleeves" is played in F natural minor/melodic minor scale or C minor, if not which key signature?
Sky8's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to notate altered diatonic scales (in this case Mixolydian ♭6)? [duplicate]

If I am notating a piece that's in [mostly] a C Mixolydian ♭6 scale (B♭ and A♭), what approach to notation would be most easily read? Notate everything in a non-standard key signature, B♭, E♮, and A♭...
Theodore's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

I’m looking for information/references on how we developed the Major Mode (Scale/Key) [closed]

As the title says, I’m looking for some information on the history of how the Major Mode (Scale,Key) was developed/designed. I already know a little bit, that is, I am not completely new to the topic, ...
Lecifer's user avatar
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2 answers

How do scales actually help a person play in a different key?

I've recently started the piano, and I want to learn all my scales so I know them, but I just can't seem to grasp how these scales actually help when I have a different key signature, sure I know the ...
Datbossgamer556 's user avatar
4 votes
8 answers

Confused about the natural symbol (♮) and the omnipresence of the C major scale in music theory

Something is confusing me in our use of accidentals in modern music theory, and more particularly about the use of the natural symbol ♮. It is not always easy to formulate accurately a mess of ...
Dexter's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Should a scale like C double harmonic major or C phrygian dominant be notated as a 4 flats or natural key?

I'm not really looking for an "objective" answer, but a list of pros and cons for the 2 options I listed (and maybe other options like notating the key as 3 flats or making a weird custom ...
arcioko's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Why are some musical pieces using tricky key signatures? [duplicate]

I have learned in solfege classes when I was a kid that each sheet music of a musical piece has a key signature made out of sharps or flats. I understood that this key signature changes when the piece ...
matt's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to notate scores when the keys don't admit a heptatonic scale?

I was playing with microtonality. Specifically, equal temperaments other than 12edo. Since the point of equal temperaments is versatility, I wanted them to admit a notion of key signatures similar to ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why is the key signature completely different from the actual notes?

Beginner here. So, I wanted to play this little phrase that is written, supposedly, in A major with 3 sharps on F, C and G. However, every G has a natural sign and there's a B and a E with sharps (no ...
Demniian's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Keyscales & Melodies

I'm fairly new to learning music theory at a basic level. I understand notes, triads, intervals and how to read sheet music but I am struggling to understand key scales and how and when they apply and ...
Brannew's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why do many musical pieces transition between relative major and minor scales?

I understand that they have the same notes so they "sound related". Another factor that might be at play: perhaps it makes the life of the performer easier, not having to adjust back and ...
J Li's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to have sharp/flat notes in a music piece composed in the key of "A minor"?

When I was reading sheet music of Niccolò Paganini's Caprice No. 24 in A minor, I saw some sharp and flat notes. This raised some questions for me. Based on my researches, I also found out that the ...
Amir Dadkhah's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Chords available in a certain Key?

I am a total beginner here so please bear with me. When you have a certain key, let's take C, we have C D E F G A B C Looking at the wheel of fifths, my available chords are F C G major D A E ...
Brian M's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Are the Scales which use double-flats and double-sharps in the key signature just theoretical scales? Why?

I've just found this information on a page I use to practice my scales. Is it true? What's the difference between a theoretical scale and a real one???
ReadyToLearn's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Scale Recommendation for Tricky Key Change

I'm playing a pretty tune, which calls for a solo on the following chords: Cm G7 C Fm A♭ Cm G Cm As you can see, the key temporarily changes, shifting the tonic chord to major before its ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

The key signatures C-flat minor and G-flat minor: do they exist? [duplicate]

Do the key signatures C-flat minor/G-flat minor exist? If yes,what notes are used in them, and they are rarely or frequently used in classical music? Also: DO these keys exist 9((not theorethical) ...
TechnicGoblin5R's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Would you write key signatures for non-conventional scales?

For example, the gypsy scale, I-♭II-III-IV-V-♭VI-VII. Would you write a key signature for a scale like that, that didn't start on B♭ like scales are supposed to? Or would you just add the flat every ...
コナーゲティ's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Tips on speedy scale writing (and singing) in different clefs and modes

I'm currently doing homework from this textbook (Unfortunately, I don't have the name of the book), where there are these exercises: Write the following scales in (treble/bass/tenor/alto) clef, ...
Koi Nil's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Harmonic/Melodic Minor in Keys? [duplicate]

How does one find the key to a scale like harmonic minor, or is out of key?
Richard Christopher's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Term for 'key change' when going for the chorus

There are songs that change key midway. The most common one I've heard is they change the key when going for the chorus. After that, when the song goes back to the verse, they change the key back. ...
Albert's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding key signature in garage band

I am relatively new to understanding key signatures.I understand the basic difference between scales and key signatures. I have come across the following set of notes for C major key signature in ...
Aarish Ramesh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can a scale sound sadder/darker than the scale with the same key signature?

There is a general principle used to describe the intensity of a mode. The more flat notes there are in the formula of the mode, the darker it sounds. So the Locrian scale is the saddest/darkest mode, ...
user46792's user avatar
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2 answers

How to know which key a song is written in with the same key signature?

How to know which key a song is written in with the same key signature ? For example, the C Lydian scale has the same key signature as G major (G Ionian) AND E (natural) minor (E Aeolian) which makes ...
user46792's user avatar
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2 answers

playing a scale in different key than song

someone did some improv solos in cmaj scale while the rest of the song is being played in key of e minor. Why does this work? Saw a guy do it last night and he had no explanation either... Thanks
wally's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Using Key signature but scale is going out onto ledger lines [duplicate]

I am working through my grade 1 theory book and am a little confused on a question. I have learnt that you either use key signatures or accidentals when writing out a scale. Not both. The question I ...
Samuel Meddows's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Major or Minor, which modes are you in? [duplicate]

How do you know if a piece is in a major key or its corresponding minor? As far as I can tell, the key signature is the same. Maybe it doesn't matter as they are the same, just starting 3 half steps ...
user33232's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find the key from chords [duplicate]

This is a danish song, but that shoud not matter. My problem is and has always been, how to figure out the key when presented to chords like the following: D D#- Em A7 Tyggegummikongen Bobbel D D#- ...
Chris G.'s user avatar
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1 answer

changing keys in a solo

Let's say I'm playing in C and the progression is I ii V iii IV V I. When the IV (Fmaj) is playing, what are your thoughts on what notes I can use. I can obviously use anything in C which will sound ...
JohnandLyn Henry's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to determine the key, divide the tabs and count the pauses when writing the sheet music of a song? (image included)

Below is my first attempt to write the sheet music for the song "My Way" by Sinatra: Then I googled and compared with what I found in the internet, for example this one: So my questions are: Why ...
Pika Sucar's user avatar
30 votes
11 answers

Are sharp keys "bright" and flat keys "dark"?

I was reading this book and on the "Circle of Fifths" chapter, it claims that keys with sharp key signatures (C, G, D, ...) are "often thought by musicians" to be "bright"...
diegovb's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

c#-minor Vs E-major for Moonlight Sonata

I see Moonlight sonata often referred to as being in the key signature of c#-minor. I am beginning to learn music and just learning about key signatures and I would have referred to the key signature ...
AntG's user avatar
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1 answer

Why are major and minor harmonies multiple orders of magnitude more common than modal harmony? [duplicate]

At least for Western music of the past 300 years, it has been far more common for music to have major or minor scales as their basis of harmony, as opposed to a modal harmony. Is there a reason modal ...
cjm's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there a key signature for harmonic minor scale?

I know that sharp key signatures are applied in the order: F C G D A E B and that flat key signatures are applied as: B E A D G C F. But these are for major and minor scales, right? Is there a way to ...
Jean Catanho's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Difference between keys and scales?

I am a Tabla (a North Indian percussion instrument) player and I am trying to learn the western music theory. My study was going well until I stumbled upon keys and scales. Now though I know what ...
radiantshaw's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

What use is knowing how many sharps or flats a key signature has?

Books and articles I've read on learning key signatures seem to focus on mnemonics that tell you how many sharps or flats the key has, but I don't understand how knowing B Major has 5 sharps helps you ...
Wossname's user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

Why does the Dorian mode on C have two flats?

I'm studying scale modes and I just found on Wikipedia that the Dorian mode on C has two flats... Why is this? Because the Dorian mode is just the major scale (Ionian) starting from the second note, ...
andrerpena's user avatar
27 votes
6 answers

With sheet music, how do you determine whether the song is in the major key or the minor key?

For example, if the key signature on the left doesn't have any sharps or flats then it could theoretically be in either the C Major scale or the A Minor scale. How do you determine which one?
Ryan's user avatar
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12 answers

Key signature for writing in modes other than major and minor

I have trouble deciding what accidentals to put in the key signature for pieces in Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian or Mixolydian modes. There seem to be trade-offs associated with each choice. For example, ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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