How do I know when I have sufficiently mastered a right hand speed drill for accordion?
You're never 'done' with speed drills. You can get faster and faster, although at some point you'll approach your personal limit where you can't increase the speed any more and still play rhythmically ...
Has there ever been a piano accordion with piano keys on both hands?
If you google "double keyboard piano accordion" you can see at least a couple of different designs have been manufactured, one being the Soprani Luttbeg. They're very rare though, so if you want to ...
How do I know when I have sufficiently mastered a right hand speed drill for accordion?
One idea of these sort of exercises is that they are in fact drills. Drills designed to help you play certain things without thinking about what you're playing. Automatically.
When you reach the point ...
How are Accordion Bass Buttons Arranged?
There are two primary types of accordion: stradella and free bass. Although free bass accordions are somewhat more common in the classical music world (and I’ve been told they are somewhat more common ...
How does registration work in a modern accordion?
Accordions can sometimes sound like an organ. This comes from the so-called registration:
The basic principle of sound creation is similar to single-reed instruments like clarinet or saxophone. ...
What is the difference between a "voice" and a "register" on an accordion?
Voice refers to how many different sets of reeds the accordion contains. Each set of reeds produces a different timbre, similar to the way sets of pipes produce different timbres in a pipe organ. So &...
Logic behind Stradella Accordion Octaves?
It's likely intentional. Other accordions with a Stradella bass do similar tricks to make bass scales sound smoother.
When playing an ascending scale using one voice and a single octave range, at some ...
What is the difference between a "voice" and a "register" on an accordion?
A "voice" is a reed set. When engaging the "master" registration, every reed set is active, and the number of reed sets will indicate how many reeds sound for every key or bass ...
Which bass system does my accordion have?
Most likely, it's a Stradella bass. The 120 buttons are arranged in a 20 by 6 array. The 20 rows are for 20 musical keys arranged in a cycle of fifths with some extras at each end so one doesn't have ...
How do I play this chord on the accordion
As this is a chord, I'm assuming that the chord is on the bass clef. (If not, could your post a picture with more context?)
The accordion convention is that bass notes represent major chords. Thus, as ...
Accordion with 60 basses chart
I know almost nothing about accordions, but I did find a fingering chart that includes 60 bass.
There seem to be many models that have 60 bass keys so you need to give more information for that part ...
Diminished chord buttons on an accordion
You can play X7b9 or X7b9b13 chords.
Let's take D7b9, for example. You take the D bass from the major third bass row and play Eb dim chord from the diminished row. As a result you get D bass + Eb-Gb-C ...
What is this sound effect called?
For me it sounds like the notes they are playing are not exactly in tune. They both play a B but the clarinet is slightly sharp.
This results in a so called beating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
Chromatic accordion: B or C system?
While both C and B systems are supported by most manufacturers, my personal recommendation would be the C system, particularly because there are more qualified instructors in North America and the ...
Can I leave an accordion for 1 night in a car while its freezing outside?
No. Not a good idea. The reeds are set in beeswax in general (or maybe a more modern type of wax.) The beeswax can freeze or at least harden and the reeds may become loose. Similarly for being too hot....
How many treble keys should I have for accordion?
It also rather depends what kind of music you’re planning on playing. If you’re playing folk music a 34 key will do you proud, because the music fits within that compass; they are also popular amongst ...
how do I improve my muscle memory for accordion
Just a suggestion from a non-accordion-playing musician. Yes, muscular memory sounds right to me.
I would suggest that you break it down - pick an easy key (say C maj?) and acquaint your bass playing ...
How do I know when I have sufficiently mastered a right hand speed drill for accordion?
I think it's important to remember that we're playing for fun. I've started playing exercises more since I started on CBA, but in part it's because I enjoy them. I don't really know which ones are the ...
Accordion bass volume too loud
I'd first check to see if there is a register switch. Sometimes one balance bass vs treble using switches. (More reed banks can be switched in or out.) Most accordions are pretty well balanced from ...
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