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Questions tagged [percussion]

Musical instruments played by striking with the hand or with a hand-held or pedal-operated stick or beater, by shaking, or by rubbing.

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1 answer

What is this part of a kettledrum?

Here is a picture of a kettledrum (from here). What is the name and function of the thing behind the pedal that is indicated in red?
Karlo's user avatar
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2 answers

Notating Dynamics for Drum Kit

I'm currently finishing an arrangement in Sibelius. One of the last things I'm adding is dynamic markings. For context, there is a string section, an electric guitar, electric bass, piano and vocals ...
yerman's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Guitarist and Bassist as only Bandmembers - Rhythmsection?

We are two individuals, one is playing guitar and sings and the other plays bass. We would like to just cover some rock songs we like and love. However, we do not really want to add another person for ...
Labello's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Question about tempo markings on timpani part

I’m playing a timpani part in 4/4 at 132 BPM. 4 measures into the excerpt, there is a “dotted quarter note equals quarter note” marking. In this new section (still in 4/4), there are still eighth ...
Jonah's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Western musical instruments that can be played with one hand Will it be very few western musical instruments that can be played by human beings with one hand only? Example : Mouth organ.
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Which specific terms could be used to search for music without beats / percussions / drums?

From what I can gather, most music besides some specific genres is based on top of a background beat layer. I happen to be one of the (apparently) few people with a strong dislike of any kind of ...
jwav's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why did baroque music use percussion abundantly, but classical stopped?

Classical music evolved from baroque music, which in turn evolved from Renaissance music. Both baroque and even more so Renaissance make extensive use of percussion. It is certainly not new to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Note with two stems in snare drum part [Ravel's Miroir]: What is the result?

This is part of the snare drum part from Ravel's Miroirs No. 4: Alborado del Gracioso (The jester's aubade). What is the effect of both sticks playing the same note? If the sticks coincide precisely ...
Old Brixtonian's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What temperament do Hang drums/hand pans use

Do they use just, equal, or some other tuning system?
abelian's user avatar
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1 answer

Tenor drum sweeps exercises [closed]

Hey does anyone here know any really good excercizes for practicing sweep patterns for marching tenor drums (preferably with 6 drums)? I have little to do with school shutdown and just wanted to ...
Ankit's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to write a beat in a bar with 16th and 32nd notes?

I am trying to find the best way to write this bongo rhythm. I know bongo is usually written on two lines only, or even on one line sometimes, but my bongos are tuned to G so I just use normal music ...
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12 votes
2 answers

What is the effect/role of Syahi on the Tabla skins?

What is the effect of Syahi (the black metallic glue) in the middle of Tablas ? What would happen to the sound if it was: removed added twice as more glue The player who had sold me one of his ...
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Timpani alternative in the band room

I’m looking for a cheaper alternative to the timpani, that may be used in a middle school band. Any Ideas? Thanks in advance.
Gildardo Pérez Hernández's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is this a correct traditional grip?

I know I put the stick on my ring finger but the exact joint that I’m supposed to have it on confuses me as I was told to do this, but it is slightly painful and my ring finger slides around a lot.
Andy_Pham's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is a dotted quarter note, 100 BPM, with a triplet eight note pulse

What is a dotted quarter note, 100 BPM, with a triplet eight note pulse? My son is in percussion and he has a recording he needs to do and this is the "timing" he was given. Can someone help tell me ...
user64973's user avatar
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3 answers

In percussion notation, how does one interpret a slurred tremolo?

My question is about tied/slurred tremolos in percussion music notation. I've had my bongo drums for almost half my life, and am just now deciding to buy a book and learn how to play Afro-Cuban ...
Peter Mitchell's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

What is this sound, instrument? (Rheingold, Wagner)

I am currently composing something and I really want to have this sound in my piece. It sounds like a small hammer hammering on metal. It starts at 1:08:07 (...
NickQuant's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is it best to use a tie when using 8th notes off the beat?

I am notating my bongos in 4/4. If you look at the last two bars, they are the same rhythm but notated differently. Can you tell me if the 3rd or 4th bar would be the most correct way to notate the ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Mic Placement for Live Percussive Guitar

Like the title says: Does anyone have tips for mic placement that will help pick up and project percussion (generally through a PA system). I'm beginning to get more into the "live performance" scene ...
Tony's user avatar
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2 answers

Guiro part notation using cross notes

Here's a picture of a Guiro part in drum notation: In a Guiro part, what does it mean when there are cross notes? I've seen other Guiro parts elsewhere that use the same line placement but with ...
coerrace's user avatar
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Will a forte tympani overpower a quiet orchestra?

So far, I have been mainly using the tympani in my orchestration of the Pathétique Sonata for the purpose of adding an accent. It might change later on to having a more important role but right now, ...
Caters's user avatar
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Extra tremolo beams in timpani part

I’m transposing some music (Gusty Garden Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy) in Medly. Looking at the sheet music I came across this in the timpani part: Does anyone know what this means? because I have ...
CongressGamingINC's user avatar
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Configure 4-4 Tabla for Bansuri Practice

The video below (starting at 2:50) shows the Instructor turning on the 4-4 Tabla player. How did he configure the Tabla player? He's a wonderful Instructor, but rather vague on these points. In my ...
Marium's user avatar
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Having issues with guitar percussion

I have started learning percussive techniques on the guitar. While I can reproduce these on my teacher's guitar without issues, I can't do the same on my own guitar. My teacher recommended that I ...
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3 answers

Can a timpani player play more than one note at a time?

Is it possible for a timpani player to play multiple notes at the same time such as a guitar or piano player would do?
Nicola's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Path for learning cuica

Really hard to find anything for this lovely crazy little thingy. Can anyone give me hints for a learning path? What are the first skills I need to acquire? Even sounding up and downstrokes I guess? ...
DrSvanHay's user avatar
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3 answers

Mnemonic or memory aid for Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Marimba, and Vibraphone

I am a choral director who has been transplanted to concert band. I know the differences between the percussion keyboards in theory, but in practice I still need to do an internet search to remember ...
Ben I.'s user avatar
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4 answers

In a rhythm, what word best describes the duration of an on/off beat cycle?

I'm writing some software that composes drum-lines. I'm looking for a word that describes the lowest unique combination of down- and up-beats. Eg: Let's say the following are quarter notes: (Disco ...
original_username's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tubulum Construction: How does including elbows affect the pitch?

I am considering building a tubulum out of 2" PVC pipes. (Like Blue Man Group) There are some specs on the internet for making the notes, but no one really says when inserting an elbow into the length,...
Den Warren's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Did the rain stick originate independently in multiple continents?

There is a traditional rain stick (percussion instrument) in Africa, Latin America, and I believe in Australia as well. Was it invented separately, or did one culture influence another? Here is a ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Has anyone else composed for the Mahler Hammer?

The title pretty much sums it up: Has anyone else (other than the composer for whom it's named) written music that incorporates the "Mahler Hammer™"? Some more links: Walt Martin's blog about ...
pr1268's user avatar
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How do I turn a regular instrument into electric (with aux port, etc)

Once I get a waterphone I was wondering if I would be able to get a kit or something that would let me plug it into my PC to record it. Would this be feasible for someone who has no experience with ...
コナーゲティ's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Should I treat the piano like a percussion instrument?

I'm just wondering if I one should see the piano like a percussion instrument? Where the left hand is on some beat that develops. Basically, if you take the view that the piano is a percussion ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Timpani Choke Notation

I'm writing a timpani part for a concert band score. I've seen timpanist "choke" the note with their hand (on the head) after striking it to stop it from sustaining. How can I notate this?
user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Why does unpitched percussion play a less prominent role in classical music than many other genres?

With my little knowledge of classical music I noticed, and I believe most people would agree, that unpitched percussive instrument play a much less prominent role in classical music than in most ...
Three Diag's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Understanding sound in a lamellophone (kalimba, karimba, or mbira)

I am familiar with the construction of a lamellophone and of a metallophone. I played anklung gamelan for several years and of course I've played around with a thumb piano. As I understand it with a ...
Wes Modes's user avatar
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2 answers

Percussion Rhythm Help

Hey, so I need help counting the two measures underlined in red (43-44). I play the conga for this and I need help with counting the rhythm here. Thank you!
user47594's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Exercises for marching with tenor drum

All I have is a pair of marching sticks and a cheap pad, what are some exercises that can help with coordination and muscle required for marching tenors.
Joshua Favorite's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the effect of "Conglomerising" your percussion?

When writing music, I use a program called Fruity Loops. Of the music that I write that has percussion, some of them are written with all the percussion instruments being grouped into one pattern. ...
Disgusting's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

how do you get the pitch of a triangle to get higher or lower?

how to get the pitch of a triangle higher or lower?
blobby's user avatar
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1 answer

How many grades are there in learning the drums?

I've gotten to grade 8 in the drums and I want to know how many more grades are left for me to finish.
Vivek Prasad's user avatar
3 votes
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Do I need a microphone to record percussion on electroacoustic guitar?

I'm a fingerstyle guitar player and at the moment I own an electric and a classical guitar and I'm looking forward to buy an electroacoustic guitar mostly for the sake of recording covers. The ...
INbahn's user avatar
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1 answer

What is this japanese wooden instrument called? [closed]

Yesterday I stumbled upon an interesting percussion instrument: (Instrument at 3:28 of the video) The instrument takes the form of an oblong wooden block with 12 ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
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What is the recommended notation for bowed marimba?

I've been writing a piece for winds and marimba, and I was looking to see if there was a proper way to notate this technique. I haven't seen an answer on music forums, but have heard many pieces use ...
John Dill's user avatar
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6 answers

What acoustic percussion instrument sounds like handclaps?

When there's a group of musicians playing, it's often not practical for several of them to stop what they're doing so they can clap instead, so is there an acoustic percussion instrument that can be ...
Brian THOMAS's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How is such an instrument called?

Recently we took an empty Pringles chips can (a long cylinder), filled it with groats and now can use it to play rhythms or imitate the sound of rain. How is such an instrument called and where could ...
olegst's user avatar
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What kind of wood is 'Lava Burl' in Cajon?

I was checking out on some cajons, and found the Meinl Artisan Buleria Cajon. On its specs, I found that its body is made of birch, yet its frontplate is of 'Lava Burl'. What is this about? Is it a ...
Nick Louloudakis's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Drums in Apartment

I am currently in the market for a new apartment/house. I am aiming for a house, since I want to be able to jam with others, but was wondering if this was ever possible for others in apartments. There ...
user37606's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do you maintain a cuica in good playing condition?

I have a cuica I am learning to play and want to make sure there are no maintenance issues obstructing my practice. It's a very temperamental instrument - it can require slight adjustments in ...
cr0's user avatar
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Which wood is best for cajon [closed]

I saw on kadence cajon with variety of wood used in . But i am new to this so i need to know which wood is best the price is almost same for all wood.
Parassharma1990's user avatar