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12 votes

Transfering audio recordings from reel-to-reel to PC

With a USB soundcard. If you don't need a microphone input, there are several pretty solid USB soundcards in quite affordable price range with line-level inputs to be had on the second-hand market. ...
user38251's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I use an audio interface to record music on my PC?

Every modern computer comes with an on-board 'sound card' - the traditional name for an audio interface. Back in the day it used to be an actual plug-in card, typically the ubiquitous 'Soundblaster'....
Laurence's user avatar
  • 95.7k
4 votes

Plug electric guitar into PC for practising

The ubiquitous solution here is to use an external audio interface. There are plenty of cheap USB ones on the market that will provide you with inputs (anything from 1 to multiple - mine has 8 inputs),...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
  • 37k
3 votes

Help plugging Electric-acoustic into PC?

You have a couple of issues which are not really music related, but that you need to get right for this to work: Do not use that cable - use a standard mono - mono guitar lead. You don't know what is ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I send arbitrary MIDI SysEx messages from a Windows laptop to a MIDI device?

If the MIDI device you're talking about has only traditional MIDI sockets, rather than a built-in USB interface, you'll need some kind of MIDI interface - an example is the Roland UM-One, but I mean ...
Нет войне's user avatar
3 votes

How do I send arbitrary MIDI SysEx messages from a Windows laptop to a MIDI device?

You need an application that can send such messages. Such apps are often called sysex librarians. I'm not sure if there are any DAWs that can also send one-time or real-time sysex messages. It looks ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 58.6k
2 votes

Plug electric guitar into PC for practising

The way I practice going directly into my computer is with a guitar-jack-to-USB I got when I bought the game Rocksmith (like this one here). You can get these cables online relatively cheaply and ...
James Whiteley's user avatar
2 votes

Plug electric guitar into PC for practising

If your PC headphones jack is separated from the mic/linein jack, then you can plug the guitar in the mic/linein and use a headphone directly. Nowadays, several notebooks come with just one jack for ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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2 votes

Setup for project reusing old PCs?

One computer will run the master sequencer, controlling the others over MIDI. Each computer will need a MIDI input, and an audio interface (a 'soundcard', an onboard equivalent or a USB audio ...
Laurence's user avatar
  • 95.7k
2 votes

Can a 600Ω XLR dynamic microphone be directly connected to a standard sound card?

In my experience, consumer sound cards are generally quite useless for anything but line-level signals or the electret-condensers that are usually what you find in headsets. Dynamic mics have lower ...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
2 votes

Using an expression pedal with a PC?

USB instrument interfaces don't have to be large and expensive, there are small and inexpensive versions available. If you want to use a standard effects pedal like a WAH then a simple USB interface ...
Alphonso Balvenie's user avatar
1 vote

Help plugging Electric-acoustic into PC?

If you are plugging this into a "headset" jack on your PC, that's the problem. You have a Tip-Ring-Sleeve connector which only connects to the left and right headphone channels. You ...
Theodore's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a 600Ω XLR dynamic microphone be directly connected to a standard sound card?

No. Your Xonar expects a different type of mic. I'm afraid that JTS mic looks absolutely horrible! The cheapest mic worth buying might be a USB mic for about twice that price. Some are designed to ...
Laurence's user avatar
  • 95.7k
1 vote

Can I get audio output from 2 DAW or music VST simultaneously with 1 keyboard input?

I think the thing you are looking for is ReWire, the Propellerheads protocol to send audio from app to another application ( ReWire Client -> ReWire Host ). Low Latency audio in windows means ...
ThinkTankTed's user avatar
1 vote

How do I use an audio interface to record music on my PC?

tldr; Free and up and running in 30 minutes, you will get a sense of the workflow and hopefully identify the parts you want to invest in first: line-in, asio4all, SimulAnalog, VSTHost or DAW program....
Yorik's user avatar
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1 vote

Combine bass guitar and PC audio into Bluetooth headphones

Firstly- no approach using bluetooth is viable. Your target latency is less than around 12ms, and bluetooth will introduce 30-40ms (or more) by itself. The typical way to do this is with an audio ...
Edward's user avatar
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1 vote

Combine bass guitar and PC audio into Bluetooth headphones

Wouldn't you need an audio interface? I know when mine is plugged in and turned on all computer sound is routed through it, including any plugged in instruments. You could maybe add a headphone type ...
Erik's user avatar
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