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7 votes

What are the natural and sharp signs between the repeat signs for?

It's a key signature change. The music before the repeat signs is in B major or G♯ minor; the music after the repeat signs is in G major or E minor. The naturals are there to cancel the sharps in the ...
phoog's user avatar
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4 votes

Meaning of a sign composed of forward slashes with dots

The sign is most likely an indication that the line of words is to be repeated. The sign itself appears to be a variation on the simile sign shown on Wikipedia. There are two indications that it ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 votes

D.S.S. appeared before D.S. Should the D.S.S. be ignored in the first repeat?

With the given solution I’d be really confused on how you intend this to be. Do you intend to have Intro - A - B - C - D (Instrumental) - A - B - A - B - Outro? Or do you want Intro - A - B - C - D (...
Lazy's user avatar
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1 vote

D.S.S. appeared before D.S. Should the D.S.S. be ignored in the first repeat?

Since A is always followed by B, there's no reason to consider them separately in the roadmap. Instead of Intro-A-B-C/ Instrumental-A-B-C/ A-B-Coda ... you might as well have (changing A-B to X and ...
phoog's user avatar
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2 votes

D.S.S. appeared before D.S. Should the D.S.S. be ignored in the first repeat?

While the rationalized suggestion from Aaron's answer is logically valid, it is also important to make efforts in making the structure as easily readable as possible to the musicians. Standard symbols ...
musicamante's user avatar
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5 votes

D.S.S. appeared before D.S. Should the D.S.S. be ignored in the first repeat?

Although technically correct, it is all but guaranteed to cause confusion. Instead, you could use a very long first ending that incorporates the instrumental section. So the form would be: Intro ||: ...
Aaron's user avatar
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