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Why does it sound so weird? (Beethoven quartet)

Why does the first A# of the tetrachord of fugal development in op. 131, no. 7, m. 114 cello sound so weird? Is it because of the false relation with B?
schwarz's user avatar
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6 votes
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Roman numeral analysis: how to notate tonic root anticipation / triple suspension V7 I742 I?

Sometimes in a cadence between V7 and I there's a moment when an anticipated tonic root in the bass given on top of suspended 7^2^4^ from the V7 (triple suspension?). Two examples: Beethoven op 10 no ...
Vitaly Pavlenko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can anyone help me understand F#ø7 - F7 - Asus - AM7 - D7 - Em?

I'm trying to understand what's going on in this small piece written for Genshin Impact game, the song's name is "Pure Sky" is about 1min long and you can listen to it here (the part I'm ...
LucasAraujo's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Harmony: why does transforming a ii minor chord into II major chord work?

I accidentally composed a song that uses the same harmony "trick" as the song The Odyssey from Symphony X. Both are in the key of Eb (I know it's C minor, but I like to think major for ...
ViniciusPires's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Next step on music theory as a guitar player

I've been playing the guitar as a hobby since 2013 and have been gradually gaining familiarity with it by playing all kinds of songs. At first, I simply tried to remember the fingerings by reading ...
Qing's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Jarring F natural in Bartok's "Former Friends"

I'm trying to wrap my head around the awfully jarring - it hurts my ears so bad, I literally can't bring myself to play it - F natural in m16 of Bartok's "Former Friends" from his Book 1 for ...
Creynders's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the chord progression of this short piece C-G7-C?

Is the chord progression of this short piece C-G7-C? I'm new to music theory and want to confirm my understanding.
xrosaber's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Seems to fit all 3 PAC criteria and yet I'm told it's a root position IAC?

So, as I have been looking for examples of the 3 different types of IAC(Imperfect Authentic Cadence), I run into this: A cadence that looks like a PAC(Perfect Authentic Cadence) on paper, but which I'...
Caters's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

VImaj7-V7-i What is the role of the VIth?

I'm analyzing the first movement of "Suite del Plata Nº1" by Máximo Diego Pujol called "Preludio" that it's on D minor, I have encountered the following progression i-VImaj7-V7, I'...
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1 vote
1 answer

formal and harmonic analysis : Bortkiewicz op.40 n.4

I am trying to analyze a Bortkiewicz prelude, op. 40 n.4 in F# major, but I have some doubts. I divided the prelude into three parts: part A (bars 1-11) part B (bars 12-20) part A' (bar 21-29) coda (...
m_art_ina's user avatar
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Doubts about some harmonic passages in Bortkiewicz's prelude op. 40 n.3

I am trying to analyze the harmony in Bortkiewicz prelude, op. 40 n.3 in E major, but I have some doubts. I put under the arpeggios the romanic numbers of the harmonies. In the first part, even if ...
m_art_ina's user avatar
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Doubts about a diminished fourth - op. 40 Bortkiewicz

I have a doubt about a musical analysis that I found on an italian book. The author wrote that in the final part of the Prelude n.2 op. 40 by Sergej Bortkiewicz, there is a repetition of the tonic ...
m_art_ina's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Naming a chord in the first movement of Mozart's K. 331?

How could one name the first chord in measure three in Mozart's A-major piano sonata K.331, first movement? It looks like a F#-minor-7th-chord without the fifth, i.e. something like a substitution of ...
Anna's user avatar
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1 answer

Harmonic Analysis of C. M. von Weber Clarinet Concerto No.1

My question is regarding this passage from C. M. von Weber's Clarinet Concerto No. 1. The passage is taken from the exposition of the first movement and has so far been established in F minor. Bars 20 ...
euryanthebleu's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do you explain this Db7 (functional harmony) in "There will never be another you"?

I'm analysing this Jazz Standard. And it's quite straightforward with some major and minor II-V cadences here and there yet there is a chord I don't know how to explain, and it is that Db7 indicated ...
Juan Luis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Redundant entry of a Fugal Exposition

When analyzing a fugue, I get confused at times about where to put the redundant entry. Is it the 5th or more entry of the subject and/or answer? I’m not sure.
Bob Parsley's user avatar
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5 answers

Does there exist a way of notating ones own harmonic language?

It's quite clear to most that certain artists have a distinct sound. While a lot of it may be down to production elements and instrument choice, there can really be no denying that their personal ...
Numpy's user avatar
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1 answer

What can I call these sustained tones, under which the harmony changes but does not create dissonance?

In an analysis of Haydn's "Piano Variations in F minor" my student has used the term "pedals" to describe the first 3 Es of the piece in the top line/right hand...and also the 3 Fs at the end of bar 2....
John MC's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

What is the internal harmony of this Liszt melody?

This is an exercise taken out of Walter Piston’s Harmony (4th ed). Let me know how you would change my progression.
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Two types of chromatic chord progressions?

Sometimes chromatic progressions seem to just shift a chord a certain amount of semi-tones with no regards to the scale like chromatic mediants and chromatic planing, chromatic alterations, etc. But ...
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3 votes
2 answers

What is this chord in Haydn's Symphony No. 94?

Can anyone tell me what chord is in bar 115 of the attached image, and how it relates to the key of F minor (just edited, accidentally said F# minor at first) (which is also the subsequent chord)? It ...
John MC's user avatar
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4 answers

Characteristic scale degrees

Came across an article at about harmonic function. Below excerpt was about finding function of a chord Each of the three harmonic functions — tonic (T), subdominant (S), and ...
aJ-47's user avatar
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Roman Numeral Treatment of Suspensions

My question today stems from me having difficulty assigning a roman numeral to a chord which either has a suspension (please see below) Or when there is melodic motion in the bass (please see below) ...
286642's user avatar
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Analyzing Tchaikovsky's " Morgengebet " Pt 2

At the 4th measure from the picture, Starting of the [B] section, there is a question mark. the notes are G, Eb, C, and F# . What is this chord? It also appears in the 3rd measure of the [B] section....
Hyun Yoo Park's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Analyzing Tschaikowsky's "Wintermorgen"

At the beginning of the first measure there is a chord with the notes of Eb, G, C#, and G. What is this chord? I suppose that the song is in B minor and I can't find any chords even in Modal ...
Hyun Yoo Park's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

What type of cadence is this?

What type of cadence is this at the end of Dvorak's 9th symphony (Dvorak's 9th Symphony, 4th movement, Finale - Allegro con fuoco (Meaning: "Fast and Spirited"))? Is it an imperfect authentic cadence ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Harmony on measures 21/22 of Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu, Op. 66

On measure 21, Chopin uses a B major-minor chord followed by a D# minor chord. One might think we're in E major and that he's just borrowing the D# minor, but on measure 19, it seems Chopin has ...
Okoyos's user avatar
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2 answers

Does this chord function as a 13 chord?

In Debussy's La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin, there is this passage: (Debussy: Préludes Livre I, No. 8, bar 24) The piece is in Gb major. This first chord is probably a I chord. But since it has that ...
user19642323's user avatar
2 votes
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Harmonic Analysis of Chopin's etude op.10 no 5

In the circled part, what is the harmony? Is the E-flat a non-chord tone or is this just some weird chord? (I've only learnt basic harmony.)
pickled lettuce's user avatar
12 votes
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Chopin Polonaise in Ab major, op 53 change in key

In Chopin's polonaise in A-flat major, op.53, in the second section the key changes from A flat to E major. What type of change is this? Is it from the flattening of the sixth (F-flat major), or was ...
pickled lettuce's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the theory behind Chim Chim Cher-ee?

Chim Chim Cher-ee has a fantastic chord structure: i, IIIaug, III, IV, iv, i, II7, V Most of those transitions make sense to me. However, there are three transitions that I don't quite understand: ...
Nathan Merrill's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Final chord of Duruflé Requiem

I recently sang, and separately listened to a performance of Duruflé's requiem. While listening, I was struck by the last chord of the in Paradisum, which adds an unexpected note half way through (and ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
2 votes
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Chord Succession vs. Chord Progression in Douglass Green's "Form in Tonal Music"

Douglass Green defines "chord succession" as a movement of chords that starts in a certain area and reaches the same area (I believe "area" means the classification as tonic, mediant, submediant, etc ....
Allan Felipe's user avatar
-1 votes
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Roman numeral anaysis help

Hello, I'm trying to do a roman numeral analysis of this piece, but i could not figure out the first two bars. Especially the third beat of the second bar.
folag's user avatar
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What are some good classical pieces to start learning analysis for the beginner?

I'm in Piano grade 7 Royal Conservatory of Music and I'm finding Analysis to be quite challenging. I have no problem reading the music but if I really want to be able to learn a piece well I have to ...
Sky Star's user avatar
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Analysis of J.s.Bach' s harpsichord concerto in A Major?

When I was analyzing Bach's harpsichord concerto in A Major (1st movement),I came to a part that has a certain harmonic property, which is used frequently in the baroque period especially by Bach. ...
Jaafar Jumaa's user avatar
3 votes
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Sharp Fourth Scale Degree in the Goldberg Variation "Aria"

My question relates to the C# in the 3rd measure. I understand that the section eventually modulates to D major which contains that C#, but that does not seem to happen until the 9th measure. What ...
aceton2's user avatar
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3 answers

What is V65/III in D major?

In the key of D major what is V65/III but, the III is natural? I'm having a hard time with this. Also, V7/bVI?
TrumpBoy Beatz's user avatar
5 votes
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How to analyze a chord from Beethoven sonata no 8 (Pathetique)

Looking at a chord towards the end of the development in measure 169, beat 2, spelled C♯-E-A♭ over the G pedal. How would you analyze this in the context of the harmonic progression at ...
wrschneider's user avatar
7 votes
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Are these "power chords" in a classical composition?

I've been trying to figure out the chord progression from the beginning of this Mussorgsky piece (orchestrated by Shostakovich, link below) and I'm just curious if I'm getting things right. The chords ...
councealed curry's user avatar
4 votes
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Why D sharp not E flat in Turkish March

I'm analyzing Mozart's Turkish March piece for the piano. As I see in measure 18 the harmony is F7 (fourth) with minor seven. Assuming it is a minor seven because the harmony is F7 why they thought ...
Waseem Francis's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Harmonic analysis of the B section of "Have You Met Miss Jones"

I've been studying the standard Have You Met Miss Jones and I came across a very interesting chord progression in the B section of the piece. The A section is pretty typical and the key it's in is F ...
Dom's user avatar
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Modulation via a major chord, then another major chord a half step down

In Nick Cave's "Darker With The Day", there's a modulation at the end of the chorus which sounds very good (to me), but I don't understand why it works. The verse is more or less in G major: GM ...
Ed Plunkett's user avatar
1 vote
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Score analysis: Beethoven - Menuetto IV in F major (WoO9) at measure 4

I'm new to music and I'm trying to learn analysis, my question is, what chord is represented in the last bar of this excerpt? It has C in bass, so it could be a dominant chord, but rest of the notes ...
Gitnik's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

chords in BWV 846

I have been doing chord analysis on BWV 846 (prelude). It is very interesting and I hope you can help me with some questions: I understand that doing chord analysis is good but what is the reason for ...
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8 votes
3 answers

Why does the IV - V♯ - I chord progression work so well?

The song Long Away by Queen does this, but it's a pattern you'll probably find in many songs. Basically, I've noticed that when moving from IV to I, a V♯ or V♯maj7 chord is sometimes used as a ...
Lee White's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Why is bass note so important in harmonic analysis of music?

In any type of harmonic analysis the bass plays a big part in determining the function of the harmony. There are even special ways to describe what note of the chord is in the bass (known as ...
Dom's user avatar
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How to analyze and obtain useful information from a score

I'm a self taught musician. I have learned music theory, composition, and instrument performance by myself. I would like to improve my composition techniques and I believe that I should begin ...
MrTheBard's user avatar
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9 votes
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Differentiating between II and II7 (secondary dominant V of V)

I'm studying harmony and start to make roman numeral analysis on Bach pieces. I often mistake a II (second degree) for a secondary dominant on the 2nd degree(V7 of V). I guess there are some notes ...
kurto's user avatar
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7 votes
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Roman Analysis of "Ab B G" chord

I am currently analyzing a bit of music for homework which consists of four voices (string quartet). It is in the key of G Major, but the chord that it ends on, is a Ab on the cello, B on the Viola, ...
Jace Man's user avatar
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